Agree whole heartedly with L. Some items, well plenty actually go for far more than you can buy them for new; This then has to be as said the hype of the final moments, plus that :who as bid higher than me????' syndrome about wishing to see yourself as high bidder and wasted a week of your time off and on checking bid status.
To some extent I think the really good times have gone. I joined EB in 1999 and had a significant collection of things and decided I would have a pop to see how the water was. I made a killing over a few years, getting ten times what I thought I might. Sold as many privately as well, folks would ask as a winning bidder if I had this or that and invariably I did. Far better in my pocktick than left in the cupboard till when I became shroom compost.
There are some bargains to be had, just means searching around and keeping toes and fingers crossed no-one else wants it. I almost never bother anymore looking at buy it now and ignore anything with a reserve or single number feedback. Just this week I had my eye on something and it went for around £25 more than new … again, being caught up in the moment I suppose.
Some catagories just have far too much in them. I just recently gave away a load of almost new suits, jackets, trousers, coats, many unworn. Daughter said I should have used
ebay; in the end I just couldn't be arsed with all the packing up, long queues in PO, argee bargeeing about any potential inaccuracies regarding sizing that I would have included.