Tonight's find
biggs682, many thanks for all you posts, always check out what you've found
Love the look of that Lombardia (and still available). Do you know anything about these bikes mate?
i'd have the suede saddle off the Gitane![]()
And I'll take the chainset...!
Anything left for me ?
I suppose that could be an Ephgrave. They liked the fancy lugwork (and so did I). A friend of mine had a lovely grey Ephgrave that I was always jealous of. I might have gone for that if it wasn't so far away.Could this nice looking 21-22" "epigraph" (resprayed by FR Russell) be an autocorrect Ephgrave? not one of the fancier ones with the lollypop stays but it's similar to this Italia model? £60 start, Walsall.
scruffy '50s Claud Butler. Bedford
I suppose that could be an Ephgrave. They liked the fancy lugwork (and so did I). A friend of mine had a lovely grey Ephgrave that I was always jealous of. I might have gone for that if it wasn't so far away.
Edit: btw is it just me that thinks its a bit of a cheek for a resprayer to put his own name on a bike instead of the manufacturer? If that IS an Ephgrave it should have that name on it.
Thanks, do let me know - might even take it with the pedal(!)... I've got a lovely '76 ish Peugeot PR-10 in the queue that's all original except for the chainset I think... needs some Stronglight loveliness, preferably drilled!Oh, and @netman - I've got a RHS drillium Stronglight chainset at home at the moment that'll be for sale if I can get the SPD pedal off it.
@nonowt thanks for pointing this out .
Why can't it be an F R Russell ? I still have this one F R Russell
F R Russell were and still are a Walsall shop although not making frames anymore .
Looks fairly all original and period parts apart from the wheels
Could be an FR Russell, which would still be a great quality bike for the price (there's a nice f&f on there now). It was just the word Epigraph which got me wondering as it doesn't make sense in the listing. I guess the frame number would provide the answer.
Tonight's find
Biggs682, took the plunge and bought that Lombardia you highlighted. Should be picking up in next week or so, feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. N+1 strikes again!