Well I went and collected my 99p Falcon this morning and came back with the Peugeot as well
Here's a few pics I took. The Falcon:
The Peugeot:
As you can see the Peugeot has odd cranks and the paintwork (a nice metallic pale mint green) has some strange black marks. I'm wondering if the previous owner, the seller's late uncle, might have used some rust treatment or something? Anyway the frame doesn't have any bad rust but there is a lot of degunking to be done! It looks to be a 23" and so is the Falcon. Just about maximum size for me!
I'll put more details later on another thread, once I start sorting these two bikes out. I won't tell you the price but suffice to say Dick Turpin would have been proud of me! Haha

<---- (nearest I could get to a bandit emoji!)