Ebay and auction watch: let us know if you see something

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The other person interested (@biggs682) has kindly stepped aside for you, let me know if your not interested though as he'll take it if you don't want it.

Pictures of the pathfinder here. https://imgur.com/a/auc6qqO if you look at the fork head on the wheel is pushed to the left, not much but definitely there. I got it in the same condition it's in now, the cotter pin is stuck and I don't have the left crank arm anyway. It was advertised without a size and I thought it looked about right but sadly it's 23" CTT and a 22" TT, I ride a 21 or 21.5"

Great, thanks very much to both of you - will PM you soon.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...

Chris S

Legendary Member
I don't think it's that old, certainly not 1930's. Hercules were importing them with rod brakes a few years ago. My guess is it's about 5-10 years old, just based on a 1930's design. They're still available new.

Think Hindustan Ambassador ...

Good point - it's got a 'Hercules of India' badge on it an a modern Dutch-style rear wheel lock. They probably weren't much more than £85 new.


Has the memory of a goldfish
This is interesting - two bikes for £260 in Blackpool. A nice Holdsworth and a possible Hobbs of Barbican with an awful paint job! I think it might actually be a Hobbs under the hand painted multicolour finish.


How times have changed for the better when you consider how ridiculously large and ugly bike lights used to be!!


Itching to get back on my bike's
This is interesting - two bikes for £260 in Blackpool. A nice Holdsworth and a possible Hobbs of Barbican with an awful paint job! I think it might actually be a Hobbs under the hand painted multicolour finish.


These were sold via an auction house a while back as a Hobbs and a n other bike if I remember correctly .


Has the memory of a goldfish
How times have changed for the better when you consider how ridiculously large and ugly bike lights used to be!!
Sure have changed! I used to have lights like that on my Carlton (pictured elsewhere on here). I tried a dynamo once but soon took it off again because the drag on the tyre tired me out! :bicycle: :sweat: :thumbsdown:


Has the memory of a goldfish
These were sold via an auction house a while back as a Hobbs and a n other bike if I remember correctly .
So it was sold as a Hobbs? (the other one presumably being the Holdsworth) The seller here doesn't want to commit himself it seems. It does have a Hobbs look about it to me, and I presume the badge on the head tube must be a Hobbs one. It looks like a metal badge too.


Itching to get back on my bike's
So it was sold as a Hobbs? (the other one presumably being the Holdsworth) The seller here doesn't want to commit himself it seems. It does have a Hobbs look about it to me, and I presume the badge on the head tube must be a Hobbs one. It looks like a metal badge too.

I can't be sure without finding the original post


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
SWMBO is getting a little more interested in cycling, so if anyone spots a ladies classic road bike suitable for a 5' rider at a reasonable price, please let me know :okay:
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