To sum up it seems like it's very much dependant on your specific frame.I'm still none the wiser.....
I'm having to continue using the bike in question for commuting until tomorrow then I'll strip it down on Thursday night maybe so I don't have to use the car in the good weather. I'll then be able to tell whether the outer goes through the frame or if it's just the inner, or indeed if there is a guide in the frame itself.
If there is a guide then there's no issue.
If no guide and the outer continues through then I'll do as some have advised and leave the old outer in place, thread the new inner through the old outer then once through remove the outer and replace with the new.
If no guide and the outer is snipped at each end then I guess I'll try the thread method when removing.
I'll report back my findings but it does seem like it could be pot luck.