E-petition: Road Safety - Driving Test and Highway Code

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Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
Another one worth considering: https://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/44059
Responsible department: Department for Transport

Whilst the driving theory test has some optional cycling awareness questions, not everyone is tested with these and the practical driving test does not have any particular focus on cyclists. If drivers are not trained to be aware of cyclists and how to drive around them they will retain the lack of awareness after they pass their test. British Cycling supports the motoring organisations which are calling for harder tests and the inclusion of cycle awareness in the test.

British Cycling's manifesto says: changes to the driving test to make cycle awareness a core part of driver training and testing with emphasis on how much space to give cyclists and how to safely overtake cyclists.

We need to make this happen and stop people being needlessly killed on the roads.


slower but no further
SE London
Wouldn't it just be simpler to require them to pass a Bikeability test first. Beats theory and 'awareness'...

Dan B

Disengaged member
I see people on the roads daily doing things which would cause them to fail a driving test, were an examiner there in the car with them. Is making the test harder going to stop them from doing this?


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I see people on the roads daily doing things which would cause them to fail a driving test, were an examiner there in the car with them. Is making the test harder going to stop them from doing this?

May as well scrap the driving test all together then by that logic.

Its not about making the test harder just including some stuff about how to drive around bikes.Im sure that non cyclists have no idea of the effect a close pass has on a cyclist.

Dan B

Disengaged member
I wish I had your confidence. Some of the worst offenders for close passes of cyclists in London are exactly the same taxi drivers who've previously spent months on two wheels doing The Knowledge


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Congested city streets are one thing.I get close passes on wide country roads where there is no apparent reason for it. I agree that on some people it will be wasted but if a bit of cyclist awareness training sinks into the grey matter of at least some new drivers then it has to be worth while.IMHO.


Über Member
I see people on the roads daily doing things which would cause them to fail a driving test, were an examiner there in the car with them. Is making the test harder going to stop them from doing this?
There is a huge amount of ignorance amongst drivers which needs to be addressed. There are some that truly believe that cars have priority over bicycles and others who are ignorant of why cyclists adopt primary and secondary positioning. The problem with the latter is that it doesn't form part of the HW code and its counter intuitive to even some cyclists. This stuff needs to be trained into drivers when they learn for their license and it won't hurt at all if they are cyclists too.

Dan B

Disengaged member
I take your point, but the bigger underlying problem is that drivers are taught that "you need to do this stuff for your test then you can learn to drive like a normal person" - tailgating, eating while driving, close passing, "making progress", blocking side roads, using the horn because you're annoyed with other road users, steering with your knees, holding the car on footbrake/clutch in queues where your high-level brake lights are searing the retinas of the people around, a shunt from behind could cause you to cripple the person in front crossing the road ... it should be pretty clear to anyone who's achieved the level of being put forward for driving test that none of this is acceptable driving, and yet everyone(sic) does it anyway - why do we believe that teaching them about primary and secondary positions is going to have any more impact than the "ten to two on the steering wheel" position is?

Retests. That's the answer. Every five years, or after any traffic offence more serious than being in a part time bus lane at the wrong time. Not that the retests in themselves will improve driving, but the sheer inconvenience of being without the car until one is booked might just make a few more people think that competent driving is for life not just for test day


I've signed too. Hurray!

But i see the thread about it has been locked out in 'cyclechat cafe'.

Surely, this is an important petition that if (and when) it succeeded would alter the whole cycling experience for generations to come in the UK. I'd prefer to see it pinned into the 'cafe' or 'general cycling', for example, so the majority of CC users get to know about it.

I'm not a politico or busybody (apologies) so i never come into this part of the forum. First time ever, in fact, and only from the link in the locked out thread.

Just think it should be highlighted a bit more, that's all. :smile:

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
I've signed too. Hurray!

But i see the thread about it has been locked out in 'cyclechat cafe'.

Surely, this is an important petition that if (and when) it succeeded would alter the whole cycling experience for generations to come in the UK. I'd prefer to see it pinned into the 'cafe' or 'general cycling', for example, so the majority of CC users get to know about it.

I'm not a politico or busybody (apologies) so i never come into this part of the forum. First time ever, in fact, and only from the link in the locked out thread.

Just think it should be highlighted a bit more, that's all. :smile:
it was in the wrong section and also there is already another post of it.
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