Vaping made it possible for me to stop smoking. I had tried many times before that. I did vape regularly for maybe two years and then got bored and just stopped doing it. It was surprisingly easy to stop compared to my efforts at stopping the fags.
I felt considerably better when vaping compared to smoking and noticed no real difference when I stopped vaping. Of course it's better not to vape at all, but I am convinced it is a much less dangerous option than the fags.
My biggest gripe with vaping now is the use of disposable vapes that people seem to throw away. Cigarette buts littering the streets is bad enough but throwing away batteries is bound to leach dangerous chemicals into ground.
My cigarette addiction is completely cured. I have no interest in ever smoking again. Sometimes I can look at someone else sitting relaxing with a cigarette and think I used to enjoy that, but then I remember it is not a one off. They have to go on smoking, probably 20+ times a day. They can't function properly until they've coughed their way through their first smoke of the day. Every time they get on a bus or train, go to the pictures or theatre, visit the home of a non-smoker, they are just thinking about when they can next smoke. Life as a smoker is both shorter and more miserable and you pay a fortune for the privilege. Every day I feel grateful I no longer smoke.