So here's the back daughter bought this bike, used, probably 8-10 years ago...a Scott...if memory serves me correctly she was told it was worth around $3,000 and she paid $1,500 I think. Our family was doing sprint tri's at the time. I think she used the bike a handful of times, and not since then, or very little at least. She became a mom etc....Anyway, when my wife and I visit, my wife rides the bike and of course, loves it, particularly compared to her hybrid Trek she has at home. So for past 3 years we bring it home with us since my daughter doesn't use it anymore, and after this trip home, the gear shifter did not work. Of course, we feel responsible for the bike and will get it fixed...I will be talking with the bike tech tomorrow and see what he thinks is wrong, and what ideas he has for repair. All the information I received from this cite has been very helpful and I am very appreciative.