The enormity of the task is beginning to sink in. 120 miles, it's a hell of a way. I am somewhat undertrained due to a combination of health problems and the weather. I am confident of completing the ride or I wouldn't attempt it but it is going to be a real challenge. I guess being a challenge is what makes it worthwhile and memorable. If it was easy there would be no point. Between the outskirts of London and the A12, with the exception of the first few miles and the stretch between Dunmow and Weathersfield, I know every bend and hill in the road. I am undecided if this is good or bad! My plan is to just aim point to point, have ten minutes off the bike every 20 miles, have a good meal in Sudbury, and a nice roll and cuppa at Gosbeck and just go out and gently savour the whole experience.
I must be totally bonkers.