Well, best chime in with my experience of the night(s). Those who saw me would have found me somewhat erratic.
Warning. Contains ~10% cycling.
So, let's set the scene. Its Wednesday, I'm waking up. I'm in Connecticut. Its Thursday, I'm waking up. I'm in Philadelphia. Its Friday, I don't seem to have gone to bed. I'm in New York. Sun sets on the city that never lets anyone sleep, and I take a flight home.
Its Saturday morning. I'm in the UK. I'm outside my house thinking that a quick sleep really would be quite nice. But my neighbour is doing his longest ride to date and he's asked me along. Evey accepted on my behalf whilst I was in the US, so, the Dun Run it will be. OK. Well, the jet lag will probably work in my favour. Its 5am in my head, so I could easily clamber into bed and get plenty of sleep before the start. Just got to get Darcey's School Fete out of the way first. Oh, and charge the GPS batteries. Ted's a bit mopey, so Evey stays home with him and I head off to a 4th July themed celebration.
Its Saturday afternoon. Thoughts turn to the bike. Better get things ready before I take that nap. This way, I can wake up and know that all I need to do is get on the bike and go. Should probably start with the GPS batteries. Hmmm... Turns out I've not ridden enough of late to have even a vague recollection of what I need to take with me. Fast bike or commuter? Hmmm... Weather looks good. New bike calling to me. Dash to local bike shop. Find a bag that fits the Encore. Hmmm.. They have a "Topeak DryBag Tri-Bag". That'll work. Ok. Head home. Right. 4pm. I can kip. Let's fit the bag first though. Oh, hmm.. that's pretty small. OK. Steal bag from the back of the Furai. That's audax proven. I can load it up with muesli bars and a couple of drinks. No bottle cages on the 'bents.
Its late Saturday afternoon. I'm shopping for bars and drinks. Cupboards are not kid safe.
Its six PM on Saturday. Neighbour has left already as going up by train. I'm looking at the sofa longingly. Below the tiredness, something else feels off. Would he hate me if I didn't show? Evey says its nervousness from not riding a while. She knows the ride will do me good, and reminds me that the neighbour has a spare return coach ticket with my name on it. I don't need to ride back. Ok. Definitely fast bike then. This will be her first long ride (and in fact my second time out on her). I'm out of time to charge the GPS batteries. Sod it. I'll just take spares. Probably not riding back anyway. Pop 'em in the seat pack with the spare lights.
Its twenty past six on Saturday. Turns out the Furai's seat pack rubs the back wheel as soon as I hit a bump. Encore is a lot more horizontal than the Furai and the clearances are smaller. Balls. Balls. Balls. Ok. Take out water proofs. Flapjacks. Bottles. Money. Cram what I can into the TriBag. Hmmm.. Not a lot of room. Ok. I'm not riding back. I don't need half of this. Its fine. Why do I feel so off? I think I'll not go.
Its half six on Saturday. The educated Andy Cater rings and asks if I'm home. I am. I'm not going to go. He says he'll drop by. I say I'm probably not going. He rocks up ten minutes later. Tapes foodstuffs to my handlebars. I say I'm possibly not going. He reminds me that we've already ridden to Dunwich and back with the same configuration. Evey says 'go'. Andy says he'll escort me to the start. We take a spin around the close. Adjust the bars. Spin again. Tweak. Ok. It does kinda feel good. We'll be ok.
Its five to eight. The ride starts in five minutes. We're just under 14 miles from London Fields. Business as usual
Its ten to nine. We're at the start. There's the Lady Jane. And a G&T fuelled Peter and Andrij on the tandem. Good to catch up with friends. Soul recharging kind of stuff. Didn't get that sleep yet. And my GPS batteries are in the abandoned seat bag. With the spare lights. OK. Group ride. It'll be ok. Neighbour is sight unseen on the road ahead, I'll probably catch him up.
Its quarter past nine on Saturday night. I wave goodbye to
@iLB, and set off for Dunwich. I'm bumbling pleasantly with The Lady Jane and the tandem, but I'm not going to catch the neighbour at this rate. I decide to plough ahead.
Its twenty one minutes past nine. I find my way back to the route and catch back up to Andrij, Peter and Jane. Realise my famed sense of direction has not been affected by time off the bike. Although I ride slower these days, I get lost just as quick
The roads open up a little. GPS is still alive. It gets dark. I'm not a fan of the fibre flare on my rear stay. No reflector in it means it tends to fade away in the glare of headlamps. Tuck into the pack.
Twenty past ten. Call home. Check everything ok. Bad feeling. All ok. Kids asleep. Evey headed likewise. OK. Will check back in the morning. Hey! There's Idai. Awesome. Ride with him a while. Get sprayed by an errant industrial sprinkler.
Sunday, ten past midnight. Settling into my pace. Encore working beautifully. 65 and a half miles in. GPS still going. There's Des! He points me in the direction of the hall that serves as a half way food stop. Neighbour is probably in there. I call home. Ted's woken up with a tummy ache. Evey a bit worried about him. I'm almost exactly in the middle of nowhere. Worst nightmare. She'll try to settle him. We agree I'll wait here as its dry and phone reception is good. I'd rather come home if he's unwell as tomorrow will be hard work if nobody has slept.
I get to hang with Darth Stuart and Dinky for a couple of hours. Its good to talk. Worried about Ted though...
Sunday, half two. Evey rings to say he says the pain has moved to his right side. This sounds bad. I need to get home now. Our immediate neighbours are paramedics. We wake them up and they have a look at Ted, then take Darcey for us. Their girls are of a similar vintage to our kids, so the little'uns will wake up to find they've had an unexpected sleep over. An ambulance is called. I don't trust the GPS to get me to Chelmsford where I could hop on the A12, and I don't trust this rear light to keep me safe. Balls. I'm going to have to retrace my steps through the lanes.
Stopping to field phone calls from Evey as and when I have reception, I dash back home. There's a lot of "Don't follow me!" en route. Road surfaces seem worse now I'm rushing. Lamp seems weaker. Hospital are keeping Ted for now. Evey with him.
Sunday, half six, I roll onto the drive way. Grab my flight bag as it'll have everything anyone needs for an unexpected stop-over, sort out some food for the clan, book a cab.
Sunday 8am. Grab Darcey, head to the hospital to check on wife and child. Evey looks knackered. Ted is kind of sallow. Not great. Darcey bewildered.
Sunday midday. Ted goes into surgery. I send Evey home with Darcey.
Sunday afternoon. I get Ted back, sans appendix. He looks very little. Evey rings to say she's caught a couple of hours sleep courtesy of neighbours, who've taken Darcey back in. She wants to come back in to see him. Brings Darcey, who is now kinda worries about her brother. He's a touch red.
Sunday 6pm. Darcey has school tomorrow. Evey takes her home and both settle into bed. Nobody wants to leave Ted. I stay at his bedside. Rash flares up and we discover he's
- allergic to penicillin.
- full of it.
Monday 4am. Ted goes to sleep wearing my bose cans.
Monday 6am. Ward is kinda noisy. Feels like an audax in here. I grab a muesli bar and fuss a while.
Monday 11am. Evey trades places with me. I head home. Half eleven, I'm there. Need to grab Darcey from school at 3, so a good chance I can sleep now.
Monday midday. Worried.
Monday 1pm. Worried.
Monday 2pm. Worried.
Monday 2:45. Go grab Darcey from school and head back up to the hospital. Trade with Evey.
Monday 7pm. Evey comes back, Ted gets discharged. All is a little blurry. We head home as a family.
Monday 9pm. There's a bed! An actual bed. Entire family gets into it.
Tuesday. Wake up. I'm at home. Thank God.
Evey says, "I've charged your batteries". Bless her.