Linford, that infra on King Street has been there at least 20 years. Used to use it when I was a kid. It's a contraflow against the one way system & as such isn't really comparable to the Stratford thing - it's about 1/4 the width, for one thing. (Never mind that it stops before it gets to the town centre & sends you off round the houses). But last time I was there (admittedly a while ago) it was fairly well used by short-trip cyclists - school kids, people on cheap ""mountain"" bikes - yes, pedestrians can & sometimes do step in to it without looking (the pavements aren't wide & it's a busy shopping area - far too much space given over to cars, as usual), but cyclist-pedestrian interactions are much more manageable than cyclist-car or pedestrian-car - you just have so much more awareness than someone behind a windscreen.
The idea of cyclist / driver parity is all very well.. in London speeds, that's something that, on a personal level, I'm OK with.. but only because I have the same training & competence as any other qualified driver.
I don't see how you can put the same blanket expectation on cyclists or would-be-cyclists who can't, won't or don't drive, for whatever reason. Expecting a ten-year-old to be as competent in road skill as a fully qualified driver is plainly nonsensical. So you have a choice:- either deny that ten-year-old the freedom of travelling by bike (sticking bikes on the back of Mummy's Range Rover and driving to the park doesn't count), or engineer the roads so as to require less competence of cyclists. I for one am glad that LCC are campaigning for the latter - whether that be through Stratford-style segregation or Hackney-style filtered permeability. There's plainly no way of doing the latter East-West around Bow/Stratford with all the canals, rivers, railways, industrial estates, the A12 etc., so the LCC/TfL solution gets my vote.
Frood, I don't think most motorists are bullies.. it's more that perception of what's bullying or not is very different from one side of the windscreen to the other, and people who drive almost everywhere don't get to reset those prejudices. A manoeuvre that "feels" fine from inside a car can be pretty unpleasant to those on the outside. Numerous times I've taken people to task for close passes & they seem genuinely surprised.
Dell, isn't the Wandle Path supposed to be a leisure route? Seems like that would serve a different purpose for cycling than the A217 (& hopefully come out of a different budget).