If it is as awful as you predicted, why in God's name is it FULL OF CYCLISTS?
Because cental London has lots of cyclists - and if you cram them together by restricting them to a narrow portion of a particular street then that will tend to become full.
.....Noises emerging listlessly from a head banging against a wall:
It's not a compulsory lane. Nor is it a compulsory street. Camden have not perfected a magic bike vortex, they have simply installed imperfect kerb separation.
Look, there are maps of London bike traffic showing the intensity of traffic on that particular street. They go that way to take advantage of it. *I* go that way to take advantage of it.
I really can't for the life of me understand how you could possibly consider that wierd crossover and riding on the wrong side of the street to be remotely consistent with the principles of vehicular cycling.
Then perhaps you will stop trying- because as you might have noticed, I never said a single word in favour of the crossover. In my use of the lane, I don't do that bit- I turn north on Marchmont street.