ianrauk said:
The Carrera Virtuoso got a cracking review in Cycling + recently
The Lemond is the best deal of course if you can get it.
Although the Giant looks similar spec to the others the AluxX is a great frame and finish and worth paying extra for.
The Carrera did well in the recent C+ reviews of budget bikes.
Decathlon is also a goodie (my neighbour has one and he flies on it), remarkable for the price and has triple gearing, valuable if you're contemplating very hilly terrain.
As said, much of a muchness after that. Forget the tosh talked about 'Sora' gearing it works just fine is durable and reliable.
Fit is the important bit, makeing sure you have the right size and that it's set-up properly. Budget also for clipless pedals and shoes if you need these.