To bring a bit of evidence to the thread- a housing estate road serving up to 60 houses is 4.8m wide, a local road serving up to 2050 houses is 5.5m wide, a major road is 6.7m wide and a trunk road is 7.3m wide. I have no difficulty dioing a U-turn on any of them so it's perhaps better to do physical test to check with it marked out on a road.
A 3m cycle path returning back on itself which is 6.15m wide should be adequate for anyone to do a U turn though, the only difficulty with it is that the fencing prevents a cyclist from using the full width, though even deducting 1.2m for clearance 4.95m is still a decent turning space.
If two cyclists meet at the loop however, it is entirely reasonable for one of them to give way for the 3 or 4 seconds should this happen. Of course it would be better if the return end could be extended in a wider semi-circle of 4m radius to permit 2 cyclists to pass on the loop but an elevated cyclepath 8m wide is a massive elevated structure.