Kilometre nibbler
I'm not so sure they really were that much worse. Though I think that depends a lot on where you live(d) in the country.
I grew up in the West Midlands, but have lived the majority of my life in London. Obviously the W Mids is further north and doesn't have the London urban microclimate so I'd expect some difference with childhood memories. But my memories (60s and 70s) are of snow on the ground pretty much every winter, for protracted periods. I also have similar memories of London in the early 80s. Now it snows some years, but doesn't hang around. But that's all unreliable stuff.
The biggest thing I notice is bonfire night. That was always when you were definitely wearing your big winter coat, and it tended to stay that way. Nov 5th these days isn't big coat time ever.
What I find amusing/puzzling are the frantic forecasts of blizzards and snow bombs and so forth so beloved of the Daily Express (and other rags). Why? They are always wrong. Surely that must be obvious by now. But people obviously react to them, or they wouldn't keep putting them out.
Average UK winter temperatures are trending up, but obviously that doesn't necessarily correlate directly to the severity of individual winter storms/snow in specific places.
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