downtube thick

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I recently bought a aluminum GIANT TCR bike
Does anyone know how thick the wall of downtube is?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Manufacturers never tell you for generic stuff. It won't be thick. I could tell you what 531/653/SLX tubing is as the manufacturers published that for steel

For example, Columbus SLX is butted and rifled. It's 0.9mm at the ends and 0.6mm in the middle. Add on rifle reinforcement at the lugs.

Generic alloy frames, it's rarely published. You are looking at a couple of mm maximum.


Legendary Member
I don't think anyone here can say for sure, but if it's butted then at the mid point 1mm or less is likely.

Fery high quality steel frames can go as low as 0.6 or even 0.4mm at that point, but alu needs to be thicker for obvious reasons.

Chop it in half and let us know!

Our very own forum mad scientist @mickle might have some experience of this?


Manufacturers never tell you for generic stuff. It won't be thick. I could tell you what 531/653/SLX tubing is as the manufacturers published that for steel

For example, Columbus SLX is butted and rifled. It's 0.9mm at the ends and 0.6mm in the middle. Add on rifle reinforcement at the lugs.

Generic alloy frames, it's rarely published. You are looking at a couple of mm maximum.

I also have a GIOS TORINO with a COLUMBUS SL frame and the info you gave me is helpful🙏
Loch side.
Manufacturers never tell you for generic stuff. It won't be thick. I could tell you what 531/653/SLX tubing is as the manufacturers published that for steel

For example, Columbus SLX is butted and rifled. It's 0.9mm at the ends and 0.6mm in the middle. Add on rifle reinforcement at the lugs.

Generic alloy frames, it's rarely published. You are looking at a couple of mm maximum.

Less than 1mm for the frame triangle, with about 1mm at the ends. More than 1mm only on the head tube, BB, drop-outs and chainstays.


Got to ask, but why do you need/want to know? It is a largely irrelevant specification for nearly all end users. More useful to know is geometry and feel, and maybe frame weight if you are that way inclined.

It's interesting that you asked that. I'm looking to see if I can use Revnut or Plusnut to connect the bootle cage to the downtube


As long as I breathe, I attack.
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Über Member
Bristol, UK
If you really want to know the thickness of the tubes and don't want to cut them up to find out then you'll need an ultrasonic thickness gauge. You can buy them on Amazon but I have no idea how accurate they are as I've never used one.

Alternatively, one of my ex-employers make a tube wall thickness gauge that used Gamma rays from a 10 Curie Caesium 137 source shrouded in depleted Uranium and Lead. I can vouch for the fact that is very accurate but it's rather expensive at around £500,000 and you'd have to be prepared to wait about 2 years for them to deliver one - 10Ci Cs137 pellets are rarer than rocking horse manure. Then there's the issues of licensing its use, somewhere safe to install it, a certified Radiological Protection Advisor to okay the installation, etc, etc, etc, ... the problems are endless. Personally I'd go for the Amazon special :okay:
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