I use these - http://www.sjscycles.co.uk/dia-compe-bar-end-shift-levers-power-ratchet-friction-control-prod21014/ - on one of my bikes. Being friction, they'll work with anything from old 5-speed to new 10-speed. Simple to fit, easy to use.
Retroshift - great idea - but $119 + $15 shipping!
Thanks everybody for your well imformed and varied replies - I think i'm either going to stick with my DTS's or get the bar end one's and leave the Sti's till they start building modern frames at 65cm
I Honestly dont know my carlton cost £150 - I now average 14mph over 45 miles and keep up with my mate on his new £700 bike who's main gain seems to be able to easily change gear without moving his hands is that worth another £600 - the specialized allez at 61cm seems small i've tried a 23 1/2 inch steel frame and it feels small I guess i'll have to sort out a test ride to find out ? cheers BillIs that due to aesthetic preference? My 30 year old 531 frame is 64cm, nevertheless generally a largish, often not the largest, frame of a current model would also fit me just fine.
Was that £150 new? If so what would that be in today's money?