@colin J you are one lucky blighter living in Hebden Bridge. I've never ridden in Yorkshire before but was up there for the tour this last weekend and absolutely loved it.
Riding fast down roads you've never ridden before means skirting a fine line between excitement and terror. I absolutely loved the climb out of Hebden Bridge and the descent into Oxonhope, hitting 47mph despite a knackered headset that was juddering underheavy breaking. I had a grin as wide as the valley.
A short while earlier the same day I was scared witless cycling down Stocks Lane into Luddenden, really bumpy surface, steep, narrow in places with some very sharp hairpins that had me wondering 'oh crap am I going to make this?'. I'm not easily scared but that descent did it for me.
After 2 days in Yorkshire I came back to Essex for day 3, while dawdling along the flat very slowly my metal bottle cage totally snapped away from the securing bolts, falling into the road with the full bottle still attached, seemingly having been shaken to breaking point by the state of the UK roads. It made me worry a lot about if it had happened the day before on one of those descents and gone under my back wheel, it could have been very messy.
I can only conclude its best not to think about it, the minute those 'what if' thoughts enter your mind you cease to enjoy it and start descending like Wiggo in the wet. I may well have to be surgically removed from a wall/sign/hedge/fence at some point in the future, and it will be entirely my own fault, but I'd have enjoyed it, up until that point anyway.