That's because you're extremely prosaic. A quick browse of car ads over the years should give you a clue.
You really did just write that another member of the forum was extremely prosaic, didn't you? Crikey! You really did!
My favourite car ad: A schoolboy standing by the grille of a Giulietta saloon (1980s?) and grinning from ear to ear.
The tagline? Just one short sentence: "
My dad's got an Alfa Romeo". They didn't sell, but I loved the ad. I drive a Vauxhall, which probably means I hate my children. And my wife. Probably the cat too.
Car marketing is just like that used for frozen peas or kitchen paper. I think everyone really knows that the imagery of car ads is largely BS. That's how marketing works. I find it quite beguiling anf sometimes very funny.
If honesty worked in marketing, the ads for high-end bicycle gear would say:
"Want to impress your friends and can't be bothered to lose weight? These extremely expensive pedals, seat posts and bottle cages were built with you in mind. Save up to 100 grammes on the weight of your bike and have another pie!"
Do cycle-part ads look like that?
A quick browse of bike ads over the years should give you a clue.
Really, Claud, there is nothing wrong with quite liking cars and driving. It doesn't suddenly render me a control-freak, tarmac-owning road hog.