Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
In that case I might consider 28 as my lowest option. It's for a hybrid to be ridden by myself and my wife so I don't want to have to overthink the shifting technique. It's probably not possible with the flat bar shifters I've got anyway.The other bike has the Racing Triple which probably was only supposed to work with a 30 tooth little ring but I found it worked with a 28 without any problems. Now it has a 26 ring and I don't have any problem getting the chain up from the 26 to the 39. Sometimes going the other way, the chain dropped past the 26. Careful adjustment of the derailleur endstop prevents that happening most of the time. It usually happened when getting into a flap on a steep hill and desperately trying to throw the chain down onto the small ring at the last moment. By planning ahead and shifting down more gently before the gradient really starts to bite, problems are rare. I have put a Deda Dog Fang chain catcher on which stops the chain getting stuck between the ring and the bottom bracket area those rare times when I do fluff the change. It isn't absolutely perfect, but I can go several rides without dropping the chain. I consider that a small price to pay for the wide spread of gears that I have with which to tackle my steep local hills.
Now I just need to finalise which combination of either Campagnolo triple (30-40-52) or Stronglight impact (28-38-48) with 13-26 or 13-29 cassette and long or medium cage to use. So many different ways to achieve essentially the same thing!
IIRC Quickshift goes click click click trim clunk trim, Ultrashift goes clickyclicky ratchetyratchet (like yours) and Powershift goes click click clunk trim trim. I don't think US is designed to work with a triple although I expect you could bodge it. I'll be interested to see how these flat bar ergos shift. They're Quickshift compatible but I don't think they have trim. Campagnolo discontinued them pretty quickly and I wonder if maybe it's because they were a bit rubbish.I don't know if this still applies to current Campagnolo Ergopower shifters (mine are over 10 years old) but my left shifters have at least 10 index stops with enough range to cover a triple chainset as standard.