Double hernia op

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Über Member
Mmmmm..... I'm going for an umbilical hernia op on 9th dec. Had it for about 10 years and finally decided to do something about it. Nurse at work said it was a piss pot operation, in and out in a morning. Doc said yes it is but you still need 2 weeks off work. Thought he might have been overdoing it a bit. Got me thinking now reading this post.:unsure:


Über Member
I'm told the Inguinal is the worse hernia for after op pain, and from personal experience it is fricking painful. I had 4 weeks off of work when I had one done in 2001. And an overnight in hospital. This time I'm having the other side done in a day. Kinda bricking the pain management.

While I've never had a umbilical, a friend has had an umbilical and an inguinal. In his opinion umbilical is "A piece of piss compared". Note that may be bravado after a few pints down the pub. It's amazing the stuff you can talk about after a round or two of beers.

Time off work is down to what type of job you do I guess.

I'm going in Next Tuesday at 7:45am (sharp). Think of me. I'll provide pictures... On second thoughts...
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Alan B

Active Member
Having Laparoscopic surgery for double inguinal hernias in January. This is pin hole surgery with much smaller incisions than the normal op, and much faster recovery time. There are far less surgeons able to do these ops, but perhaps it would always be worthwhile asking whether this option is available.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Had bilateral Inguinal hernias repaired 2004. Open surgery, and an overnight stay in hospital, and off the bike for some considerable time. Prior to the op riding a bike was about the only thing I could do without pain. I couldn't walk more than a few steps. As I had had arteries stented some months before the hernia repairs had to wait until I had stopped taking Clopidogrel - a blood thinner, and the hernias had grown to the point where a truss was required (Yes - they do still exist!). It was a very uncomfortable period of my life :blink:!


Über Member
Had the op on Monday, I was out of hospital and moving about within a couple of hours of the op. Can't say it was walking normally and I am suprised just how much it is affecting every day stuff. Not particularly painful and I haven't needed any pain relief, because I am "Mucho Macho" (lol). Getting in and out of cars, laughing, had a panic thinking I was going to sneeze, all very awkward. Don't think I could get on a bike yet, very uncomfortable to bend over. Staples out next week and signed off work for 4 weeks because my job can sometimes be physical. Hoping no to take this long though.


Über Member
I was 'done' 17 days ago. The pain relief was great. I was walking after 4 hours and sent home not much longer after that. While it's no walk in the park compared to my previous repair this was far easier. I'm just itching to get back on the bike, but I think I'll wait a few more weeks.

After 17 days, I'm almost pain free, just a slight twinge if I'm stupid.
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