Doping git thread

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From that Wikipedia article:
"...the Andean highlanders, ... show different pattern of haemoglobin adaptation. Their haemoglobin concentration is higher compared to those of lowlander population, which also happens to normal people moving to high altitude. When they spend some weeks in the lowland their heamoglobin drops to average of other people. This shows only temporary and reversible acclimatisation. However, in contrast to lowland people, they do have increased oxygen level in their haemoglobin, that is, more oxygen per blood volume than other people. This confers an ability to carry more oxygen in each red blood cell, making a more effective transport of oxygen in their body..."
I have no idea 1) if this is correct (it being Wikipedia) and 2) exactly how this fits with the blood passport stuff.


I have no idea 1) if this is correct (it being Wikipedia) and 2) exactly how this fits with the blood passport stuff.

If Henao's baseline data for the biological passport was captured at low altitude after temporary 'acclimitisation', it might well be that his 'normal' figures are actually different from his baseline on a regular basis. But I though this is why Sky did all the testing before, and that this would have been resolved. If this is something different, Henao may not be able to fall back on the 'altitude native' reason. We shall see.


From the Sky statement:
"Sergio has this week been contacted by the CADF with a request for more information with regards to readings on his Athlete Blood Passport between August 2011 to June 2015. These include the same readings which prompted us to undertake further research in 2014. Given the team had drawn the attention of anti-doping authorities to the issue at the time, this does not come as a surprise....We recognise why the CADF have raised this issue as it is one we have obviously raised ourselves. Thus far Sergio's data has been anonymous to the CADF experts....Sergio has not failed a drug test and the CADF process is conducted confidentially. " (emphasis mine)
If I understand that correctly, CADF don't know who the athlete is when they start asking questions about unusual looking data. Sky already know that that set of data looks unusual/suspicious; they believe the tests etc that they had done explain why the data is as it is.
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Doesn't Quintana live at altitude too? There have been others too, IIRC, so I don't really understand why Henao's case is being tereated as an unknown.
Di Luca, unrepentant as ever



Puzzle game procrastinator!
That is actually quite refreshing - "Yes, I was a lying cheat, so what!" rather than (for example) Valverde's "All I want to do is look to the future. People can judge whether I’m innocent or not. I’m relaxed in my mind, and I’m happy. I worked really hard to come back to the top level". :thumbsdown:


That is actually quite refreshing - "Yes, I was a lying cheat, so what!" rather than (for example) Valverde's "All I want to do is look to the future. People can judge whether I’m innocent or not. I’m relaxed in my mind, and I’m happy. I worked really hard to come back to the top level". :thumbsdown:

It's just the difference between a cheat who has retired and a cheat who is still riding.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
The real problem with Di Luca's attitude is that it reinforces the idea that they were all at it, and that they're all still at it. While I'm not naive enough to think the sport is completely clean now, Di Luca's comments damage the efforts made by those who are genuinely determined to fix cycling's image problem.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I'm not saying that DL is a fine fellow, but I think that his revealing comments help to remind people what happens if the problem is not taken seriously. Some people are still in denial about doping in sport - just look at the current mess in athletics.

He certainly wouldn't be on my Christmas card list.

(Actually, I don't send Christmas cards ... Let's just say that I wouldn't ride with him if he were turn up for one of my forum rides! :laugh:)
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