Pete said:
However much we may laugh at this, it would have been a lot less funny if the woman's arm had been crushed or even severed in the incident. Or indeed if you had been cycling - and were now posting this from a hospital bed - or worse. One wonders how much could be done to limit the effect of this type of silly incident. One idea might be to design cars with doors hinged at the rear so that they open towards an approaching cyclist (as was indeed the case on many 1930s cars). But perhaps someone will come up with a better idea.
Hmmm, I believe they were known as suicide doors, so that might be why they were phased out...
And sliding doors, - ok, until you factor in the fact that a door can then be opened relatively unoticed, and the unthinking, unlooking dick then steps straight out into the traffic anyway... Softer landing for the cyclist perhaps, but who cares about the cyclist, car manufacturers want to make their cars safe for the occupants, not anyone else....