Don't ride in groups or we will be stopped cycling completely.

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Richmond ,Surrey
Without going into great detail , I recently enrolled on a specific to my trade course , there was a assignment named Equality and Diversity, a vast amount of this was awarded to and named “Great British Values “


Richmond ,Surrey
Why would you expect this tread to be any different from other threads on here.:wacko:
Yeah , why should my thread be different to everyone else’s !
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I appreciate it was possible meant as a light relief but out walking the dog this morning on the footpath a cyclist went the other way on the road he was definitely not more than a yard from me

Yes, it was meant to be light-hearted, but in reality the 2m rule is being broken all the time. Most footpaths/pavements around here are less than 2m wide so unless one party walks in the road they have to break the guidelines. In the Co-op the other day people were distancing, but at times passing each other in the same aisle at around 1m apart. Everyone was within 2m of the till operator.

Unless the cyclist travelling in the opposite direction to you coughed or sneezed in the second or so he was less than 2m away the risk is so small as to be negligible. If you walk on the inside of the footpath he/she would have been more than 2m away assuming he/she was not riding in the gutter.

The only safe way is to not go out at all and have home deliveries, which you disinfect thoroughly before letting into the house. Do not open your newspaper or mail for a couple of days, or disinfect thoroughly.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I see very few cyclists at the moment round my way, but the ones I see are solo, no groups. There seem to be fewer people walking their dogs as well, unless they go at a different time from me of course.
My turbo trainer is all set up but can't use it yet due to backache. :cursing:
The A55, which is the main dual carriageway into N.Wales is deserted, very few cars on it. Apparently, the police are on duty on the main bridge that crosses the Menai Strait onto Anglesey to stop tourists from going there.
France has now stipulated that exercise must be within a 1km radius of home and for no more than an hour each day,

Yes - that was actually announced on Wednesday. If I go out on my bike, I also need to complete a form with all my personal details - and date and time of the ride - and sign it .. or risk a hefty fine.

So - I really can't summon up the energy to go through all that crap, just to go out on my bike and do lots of loops making sure that I stay within 1 kilometre of home.

My bike has been mothballed - probably for a very long time.


Traffic was light enough when cycling yesterday to allow cycling down the middle of the road or on narrow roads the wrong side to keep 2m or more away from pedestrians where necessary. There was one location where I became aware of a rearward approaching vehicle but the driver was obviously aware of the purpose of my actions as no annoyed horn was heard.
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Legendary Member
Yes, it was meant to be light-hearted, but in reality the 2m rule is being broken all the time. Most footpaths/pavements around here are less than 2m wide so unless one party walks in the road they have to break the guidelines.

That is exactly what I have observed plus crossing the street to the other pavement.


Legendary Member
It said for a limited time but doesn’t specific how long another thing is perhaps people that do cycle could stop using cycle paths due to the 2ft Social distancing and only cycle for 1 hour max. Anyway that’s what I do and I just cycle not far from where I live.
2m NOT 2ft (which is less than the minimum 1m recommended by the WHO)


Legendary Member
Yes, it was meant to be light-hearted, but in reality the 2m rule is being broken all the time. Most footpaths/pavements around here are less than 2m wide so unless one party walks in the road they have to break the guidelines. In the Co-op the other day people were distancing, but at times passing each other in the same aisle at around 1m apart. Everyone was within 2m of the till operator.

Unless the cyclist travelling in the opposite direction to you coughed or sneezed in the second or so he was less than 2m away the risk is so small as to be negligible. If you walk on the inside of the footpath he/she would have been more than 2m away assuming he/she was not riding in the gutter.

The only safe way is to not go out at all and have home deliveries, which you disinfect thoroughly before letting into the house. Do not open your newspaper or mail for a couple of days, or disinfect thoroughly.

Are local co are only letting in three people at a time.My daughter went to a local supermarket not sure which one
It was but they had introduced a one way system and was ensuring people maintained the same distance and no one was walking against the flow.No it wasn’t Ikea


East Sussex
I have been so used to riding by starlight over the winter that when I went out the other day - after the lockdown - at mid-morning I kept seeing something out of the corner of my eye and thinking that it was some tosser riding close on my flank. He wouldn’t quit either or back off in any way. I was getting really annoyed.

It was my shadow...
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