Doh! Well, a stag, actually...

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Minkowski Space
One of the wonderful things about night cycling [1] is you get to see wildlife you'd never thought possible. Rabbits and foxes are commonplace as is the occasional bat. We've spotted a field mouse on one FNRttC. I've even seen a couple of badgers - live ones! - as opposed to the sad bundles of fur lying at the side of the road.

But tonight was something special. Cycling round Clent rather latish when I spied something casually grazing at the side of the road. Too big to be a dog but too small to be a cow and not woolly enough to be a sheep. It couldn't a a deer, could it? Don't be silly, I told myself, just as it looked up at me - or rather - as he looked at me, for he had a magnificent set of antlers. I'd never have guessed it, not here a mere three miles from the centre of Halesowen. Wonderful.

[1] Quite apart from experiencing an entirely different, marvelous, surreal world of clear stars, spooky lanes, eldritch avenues and an awesome stillness merely the thickness of a pair of curtains away from normality - which you have entirely to yourself!


Über Member
My girlfriend's parents live out that way, and I've seen a fair few muntjac deer out there... I think they're considered a bit of a pest, but I always think it's nice to see them!


I totally agree about the magic of riding at night. It is a completely different world. If people reading this have never done it then please do. You'll not be disappointed.

Alongside all that McWobble mentions, seeing the sun rise and the night time world morph into the daytime world really is an incredible sight... and an incredible feeling. Top it off by stopping somewhere for a tea/coffee and reflect on all that you've witnessed - the world can be a wonderful place.


Über Member
I've heard people say there is deer up clent, but I've never seen any. You've obviously got to be up there during the night. I've heard stories of big cats, I wouldn't want to come across one of them in the early ours lol.


Minkowski Space
I live in Halesowen and ive never been lucky enough to see a deer!

I wouldn't have thought that there would be any deer myself - far too close to civilisation! (But perhaps Halesowen dosen't count as "civilisation"?!) The thought that there might be a big cat lurking in those there bushes has crossed my mind a couple of times... but that's part of the fun.

I did wonder, briefly, what all the cries of "Fox!" were about on the last FNRttC - until I almost ran over it!

As Yello says, watching, nay, experiencing, the sunrise is a wondrous sight. You really ought to come on a FNRttC, sounds like you'd enjoy it.


Smutmaster General
Quite apart from experiencing an entirely different, marvelous, surreal world of clear stars, spooky lanes, eldritch avenues and an awesome stillness merely the thickness of a pair of curtains away from normality - which you have entirely to yourself!

That's a new word for me! Had to look it up


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
No stags I'm afraid but I did have to wait for 6 or 7 deer to cross the road in front of me last week - mind you this was out in the sticks.
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