Dog peed on my bike!!!

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Well-Known Member
I went out on my Scandal last night and took a short break in the park and leaned my bike up against a park bench, and was deep in conversation with another cyclist, when I turned to see a dog pissing up against my bike....little f****r !:angry:
I ran over and chased it off with pee trailing away behind it, AND the bloody thing was barking as in triumph at what it did:ohmy: !!!! ..noooo my beloved bike covered in dog piss.
To make matters worse, I had a choice to make, either i use the remaining precious water in my bottle to rinse what I could off my bike, or save the water to drink as I was a few miles from home...mmmm..
I decided to cycle home with my bike reeking of dog pee and had to hose it when i got back home.
I think the dog did'nt like my bike...simple.:sad:


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Its ruined , post it to me and i will take it to the scrap for you :whistle:


The more you ride, the less your ass will hurt.
oh i bloody hate when that happens...

my housemates dog is a fecker for doin that. I get home, walk into the kitchen and before I even think about it he's cocked his leg. Now, I stand there for a minute and when he starts walking towards the bike I bloody roar at him.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Fran, I can understand you being annoyed that a dog urinated on your bike but in reality if you think about it it has probably had, and will continue to have, worse than that over it when you're using it on trails, mud and even the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
I think you should pee on the dog and teach it a lesson.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
You think that is bad... I had a rampant Jack Russell f**k my leg when I was a child! The little swine was clearly a Mastermind fan - he'd started so he'd finish! Not even bashing him against a wall put him off his stroke (so to speak).


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Just wait till you get it covered in liquid cow poo, and you too. Nowt as bad as pidgeon poo on your bars and levers, with nothing to wipe it off. No wiping nose with gloves. Dirty creatures.
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