Where I was born Workington, West Cumbria, has this mental annual game that I believe has a game every day for 4 days. It's called The Uppies and Downies. It's being going on for over a hundred years. Basically its just a massive brawl, loosely based on rugby as far as I can see. It's from 2 rival areas of town, and the game starts in a midpoint between the two, I would estimate that the total length of the play area is about a mile and half, but they can end up anywhere. On this particular year they ended up in the town centre. It's just to try and get a leather kind of ball back to the base point of either the uppies or downies (The Harbour or The Castle), by whatever means possible.
The authorites have tried to stop it, with all the health and safety blah blah. But they can't, it just happens. I've never participated and have no desire to (too old now). I've watched before, and it was one of the most mental things I've ever watched. I don't live there anymore, but it's certainly something different, the other places I lived at, I can't recall anything like this going on..
I just wondered is this the only town/village/city that has some crazy event, or does yours have something similar/different etc?