I need a new winter jacket, and I'm wondering about going for hi-vis pink - mainly because it's 'different' from the much more common yellow. I'm not a pink girly at all, I think it might just stand out more.
I don't know what drivers think I am on my bike, the other day I was at work (on foot) and an old guy came up and said "Ah, just the man I need".... He was very old, but even so.... In my thick baggy work coat and fleece hat, I'm frequently addressed as mate...
The thing about different bikes is true too. I often see people in York gliding along on Gazelles and so on, seemingly unflappable, even though they are being passed relatively closely. I wonder how much is down to our individual moods and perceptions - when you're hurrying, everything feels like aggro, etc. I'm not saying we imagine bad behaviour, not at all, but I suspect we respond differently to it internally...