Does vodka go off?

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New Member
I'm moving office at the moment and have discovered a bottle of vodka at the back of my cupboard. It's been there a few years...

I reckon it's safe to drink...but then again I'd drink pretty much anything...


Yes. It gets very dangerous when it's old. I shall PM you with my address and you can send it to me for safe disposal.

Don't mention it, glad to be of help.


Is there a 'best-before' date on it?
Is there an 'even better-before' date on it?


+1, except substitute tequila


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
Uncle Mort said:
Has anyone eaten the grub in the bottom of a mescal bottle?

Yes I lost that game! :smile: don't ask me what it tastes like as that particular evening is something of a blur. I think I must of had a dirty glass or something.
We once soaked some chillis in half a bottle of vodka to see what would happen, and took them out after a day or so. We've still got the vodka a year later, over which time it has turned into a progressively more evil shade of red. Nobody dare drink it now...not even the other half's rugby playing loon of a brother...
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