im in much the same boat ,iv reently started riding a fixed gear to work(im in glasgow)and post on a forum up here ,its local so most of the peeps on it are prob gona meet at some point ,anyway ,i dont know wether its to do with people trying to b cool and a rebel or the whole fixed gear/hipster/student thing but theres people on there that actually condone riding like a knob(rlj ,pavements gen riding the way that gets cyclists a bad name ),i try and ride responsibly (im 43 maybe its an age thing as most iv met up here are a good bit younger ,20-30?) i just dont wanna b associated with the rljs cos its not my bag
i posted about riding standards in gen and was subject to loads of abuse and gen derogatory comments ,with some people saying things like "ride it like u stole it",every ride is an adrenaline rush"and "on the edge"!now im no fuddy duddy but i cant see any sense in behaving /thinking like that
i was stopped at a red the other nite at a busy city centre junction ,who came flying by ,a fixed gear rider with trouser leg rolled up ,skip hat and big baggy cardigan ,no doubt a student ,no wonder a lot of peeps have a neg image!