Does my attitude stink?

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Well-Known Member
I've posted this in the beginner section because I think it deals with many beginner cyclists, however, I can assure you that if you are conscious enough to be viewing this forum, the type of cyclist I'm about to vent at is most certainly not you.

I cycle in and out of central Oxford daily and I find myself hating other cyclists, and whilst I never let them know it, other than when they put me in immediate danger, this concerns me. It may have something to do with the proportion of cyclists that do so for convenience rather than a passion for cycling (these are not mutually exclusive I know), or something in the water that makes them particularly stupid, but I find myself left continuously annoyed by other cyclists. I lose count daily of the cyclists that jump red lights/pointlessly filter along the gutter past me at a narrow junction to get ahead of two cars or even a bus only for them to hold me up 200 yards later. There is also a mystical lane named Turl Street that when you ride along the high street past it you are guaranteed more often than not for a cyclist to pull out in front of you, I kid you not - please come and test it!

Whilst there are plenty of other gripes with which I could extend my vitriol to, mainly that they erode the reputation of cyclists in general, should I be pleased because they are bothering to cycle in general and that an idiot on a bike is safer than an idiot in a large metal box?


Well-Known Member
There is a growing breed of people who have absolutely no consideration for other road users
The above sentence is aimed at the guilty whether they are on 2 wheels or 4
It is this breed that are responsible for most of the accidents and road rage incidents
Focus on the cyclists and drivers who do show some etiquette and console yourself in the fact that we still ( just ) outnumber them


Cycling in the sun
I think most cyclists get annoyed with a subset of cyclists, but then that is true of motorists too. I would be worried if you were annoyed with the majority of them. We need to rub along with other people a little better to be happier I think.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
There is a growing breed of people who have absolutely no consideration for other road users
The above sentence is aimed at the guilty whether they are on 2 wheels or 4
It is this breed that are responsible for most of the accidents and road rage incidents
Focus on the cyclists and drivers who do show some etiquette and console yourself in the fact that we still ( just ) outnumber them
People can be idiots regardless of how they get from A to B .

Deleted member 1258

I've posted this in the beginner section because I think it deals with many beginner cyclists, however, I can assure you that if you are conscious enough to be viewing this forum, the type of cyclist I'm about to vent at is most certainly not you.

I cycle in and out of central Oxford daily and I find myself hating other cyclists, and whilst I never let them know it, other than when they put me in immediate danger, this concerns me. It may have something to do with the proportion of cyclists that do so for convenience rather than a passion for cycling (these are not mutually exclusive I know), or something in the water that makes them particularly stupid, but I find myself left continuously annoyed by other cyclists. I lose count daily of the cyclists that jump red lights/pointlessly filter along the gutter past me at a narrow junction to get ahead of two cars or even a bus only for them to hold me up 200 yards later. There is also a mystical lane named Turl Street that when you ride along the high street past it you are guaranteed more often than not for a cyclist to pull out in front of you, I kid you not - please come and test it!

Whilst there are plenty of other gripes with which I could extend my vitriol to, mainly that they erode the reputation of cyclists in general, should I be pleased because they are bothering to cycle in general and that an idiot on a bike is safer than an idiot in a large metal box?

Sounds like you need to chill out more, there's no point letting others wind you up, or hating people you don't know, its all a waste of energy, we are all different, we all ride/drive to different standards dependant on experience, knowledge and ability, just concentrate on being the best you can be, and try and spread some good Karma whilst you're doing it.
Agre with all the others, we will never be rid of the tootlers, those who have a lovely new Tesco bike or a battered old rust bucket with dodgy brakes, carrying shopping from the handlebars and/or randomly changing position, direction or speed.
The only different between these and the same ilk in cars is the shoppings on the inside and it's also often some half blind octogenarian, or ditzy 20 something glued to their mobile.
Just chill a little and laugh at them as you pass them - out loud if you prefer (they'll probably just think you're another nutter on a bike)

Tony (think I should take my own advice at times!)


Whilst there are plenty of other gripes with which I could extend my vitriol to...
It's definitely one of those "easier said than done" things, but have you tried turning it around?

Rather than focusing on the crap cyclists, which seem to be making your commuting a nightmare, look out for those who you think are good. And, more than that, engage with the good ones, even if it's just a friendly wave or a "good morning" as you pass. It might help to redress the balance over time and it will stop you being "continuously annoyed" with the idiots.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things that I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.


I have to admit I'm with you, I think I have watched too many of Gaz's videos but find myself shouting at cyclists doing stupid things like a cyclist running a red light on a 5 way junction the other day.......

However I do like to appreciate good cycling or general good manners from other cyclists. Like cyclists who cross at traffic lights but wait for you to pass before pressing the button, I always shout my thanks to them when I see them do this and make sure I return the favour should I be walking anywhere :smile:


im in much the same boat ,iv reently started riding a fixed gear to work(im in glasgow)and post on a forum up here ,its local so most of the peeps on it are prob gona meet at some point ,anyway ,i dont know wether its to do with people trying to b cool and a rebel or the whole fixed gear/hipster/student thing but theres people on there that actually condone riding like a knob(rlj ,pavements gen riding the way that gets cyclists a bad name ),i try and ride responsibly (im 43 maybe its an age thing as most iv met up here are a good bit younger ,20-30?) i just dont wanna b associated with the rljs cos its not my bag
i posted about riding standards in gen and was subject to loads of abuse and gen derogatory comments ,with some people saying things like "ride it like u stole it",every ride is an adrenaline rush"and "on the edge"!now im no fuddy duddy but i cant see any sense in behaving /thinking like that
i was stopped at a red the other nite at a busy city centre junction ,who came flying by ,a fixed gear rider with trouser leg rolled up ,skip hat and big baggy cardigan ,no doubt a student ,no wonder a lot of peeps have a neg image!


It's definitely one of those "easier said than done" things, but have you tried turning it around?

Rather than focusing on the crap cyclists, which seem to be making your commuting a nightmare, look out for those who you think are good. And, more than that, engage with the good ones, even if it's just a friendly wave or a "good morning" as you pass. It might help to redress the balance over time and it will stop you being "continuously annoyed" with the idiots.

I entirely agree with your philosophy.

Hip Priest

I see bad cycling now and again, but I try not to be one of those people who spends their lives constantly finding fault with others. Unless it directly affects you, just live and let live (or die, depending on how bad their cycling is!)


Legendary Member
I've never been to Oxford but I've been to Cambridge as a pedestrian and found the number of cyclists and their lack of consideration quite scary - you were taking your life in your hands stepping off the kerb! Without specifically student-bashing I imagine the large volumes in both cities contribute somewhat to the attitudes you are talking about.

As someone who is fairly new to cycling "on the road" I find myself quite nervous heading out but that probably isn't a bad thing - I've been driving 20+ years but back cycling for 1ish, so still learning my road-craft.
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