Does it matter which way round my front wheel goes on?

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Nuts and QRs are totally different Ikea storage boxes of badgers, that is quite how different they are. I remember, back in the day, when QR meant Quick Run, Albert is coming. Now he was a lad, strong as an ox, but about as sharp as water. We didn't have powershowers back then, but some lucky boys got hosed off in the garden, others mainly had lumps of coal thrown at them.

Aye, nippers these days aren't bred the way they used to. If you couldn't survive 2 weeks naked on top of "Lone Man's Hill", well, that first zebra would never come home to you, at the most one could expect a ferret.

Lord Arbuthnott once famously said "Gentlemen, I have here a bolt". That phrase changed my life, and revolutionised the way that folks thought about bicycle wheels. I remember my father not trusting the new fangles bolts, which required nuts, and continuing to use his fingers to secure the wheels. He was regarded as making a stand against the march of useless technology.

Somewhere in the midst of this Lord Arbuthnotts wife accidentally shot him in the face whilst they were hunting aardvark-horse-unicorn cross breeds. Being a real man, who had survived 4 weeks a'top Lone Mans Hill, in midwinter, by crawling inside a large lump of igneous rock for warmth, he took the shot like a real man. Writing "Oh bugger" on the ground in his own blood, then apologising quickly for profanity infront of a lady he died a gentleman.

In escence, QRs should be taken with a pinch of newt, under a full moon. Mud may be used as a sweetener if desired.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Jacomus-rides-Gen said:
Nuts and QRs are totally different Ikea storage boxes of badgers, that is quite how different they are. I remember, back in the day, when QR meant Quick Run, Albert is coming. Now he was a lad, strong as an ox, but about as sharp as water. We didn't have powershowers back then, but some lucky boys got hosed off in the garden, others mainly had lumps of coal thrown at them.

Aye, nippers these days aren't bred the way they used to. If you couldn't survive 2 weeks naked on top of "Lone Man's Hill", well, that first zebra would never come home to you, at the most one could expect a ferret.

Lord Arbuthnott once famously said "Gentlemen, I have here a bolt". That phrase changed my life, and revolutionised the way that folks thought about bicycle wheels. I remember my father not trusting the new fangles bolts, which required nuts, and continuing to use his fingers to secure the wheels. He was regarded as making a stand against the march of useless technology.

Somewhere in the midst of this Lord Arbuthnotts wife accidentally shot him in the face whilst they were hunting aardvark-horse-unicorn cross breeds. Being a real man, who had survived 4 weeks a'top Lone Mans Hill, in midwinter, by crawling inside a large lump of igneous rock for warmth, he took the shot like a real man. Writing "Oh bugger" on the ground in his own blood, then apologising quickly for profanity infront of a lady he died a gentleman.

In escence, QRs should be taken with a pinch of newt, under a full moon. Mud may be used as a sweetener if desired.

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