Does God exist?

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New Member
Yes. Gods exist.

Inside people's heads.

David Icke has a particularly strong god.

Mr Pig

New Member
striker said:
Faith is not a contest in proving God or not, it is about having a personal relationship with your maker and how that affects your life.

When I was a kid I got dragged to church occasionally, and I hated it. School taught me that Darwin's evolution was a certain fact and I'll be honest, I was totally happy believing that there was no God, when you died you ceased to exist and I was only answerable to one person, me.

For a year at high school I had a Christian teacher who I used to wind up as much as I could! I'd throw bits of Bertrand Russel at her and whatever else I could find to 'disprove' her faith. What used to really bug me was that she would never concede even the possibility that she might be wrong. I at least would admit that I might be wrong but she was so 'arrogant', she 'knew' God existed. Drove me nuts.

Over twenty years later I too know that not only does God exist but that He loves me. I'm more sure of it than any other fact at my disposal. Anyone can know God's love in the same way. All you need to do is genuinely want to know the truth, not the truth as you want it to be but the truth as it is. Being a Christan is not easy, it's not a 'crutch' to help you through life. My life was much simpler when I was an atheist.

God designed your brain and he wants you to use it. He designed his word, the Bible, to stand up to scrutiny and allow readers to validate it.

In my experience most people who disbelieve in God do so because they want to, not because they've been open to what the facts of the matter say. I'm happy to talk to anyone about why I believe that Jesus Christ is exactly who He claims to be and why we need to trust in Him.
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Mr Pig said:
When I was a kid I got dragged to church occasionally, and I hated it. School taught me that Darwin's evolution was a certain fact and I'll be honest, I was totally happy believing that there was no God, when you died you ceased to exist and I was only answerable to one person, me.

For a year at high school I had a Christian teacher who I used to wind up as much as I could! I'd throw bits of Bertrand Russel at her and whatever else I could find to 'disprove' her faith. What used to really bug me was that she would never concede even the possibility that she might be wrong. I at least would admit that I might be wrong but she was so 'arrogant', she 'knew' God existed. Drove me nuts.

Over twenty years later I too know that not only does God exist but that He loves me. I'm more sure of it than any other fact at my disposal. Anyone can know God's love in the same way. All you need to do is genuinely want to know the truth, not the truth as you want it to be but the truth as it is. Being a Christan is not easy, it's not a 'crutch' to help you through life. My life was much simpler when I was an atheist.

God designed your brain and he wants you to use it. He designed his word, the Bible, to stand up to scrutiny and allow readers to validate it.

In my experience most people who disbelieve in God do so because they want to, not because they've been open to what the facts of the matter say. I'm happy to talk to anyone about why I believe that Jesus Christ is exactly who He claims to be and why we need to trust in Him.

Hmmmm, this would be in Soapbox if I'd wanted a proper discussion but as long as nobody gets too opinionated on either side then fair enough.

Why wasps and flies though?:tongue:


New Member
Mr Pig,

In my experience most people who disbelieve in God do so because they want to, not because they've been open to what the facts of the matter say. I'm happy to talk to anyone about why I believe that Jesus Christ is exactly who He claims to be and why we need to trust in Him.

I now see why you were coming from where you were coming from on the other thread.

Your posts on that thread all make total sense now.

Oh, and you are right - there's no point in any further discussion with you.
Mr Pig said:
In my experience most people who disbelieve in God do so because they want to, not because they've been open to what the facts of the matter say. I'm happy to talk to anyone about why I believe that Jesus Christ is exactly who He claims to be and why we need to trust in Him.

And he was claiming to be wot and why do we need to trust a dead man??

If you wish to trust a dead man that is up to you but We dont have to.


rich p said:
Clearly not.
No self-respecting, loving, all poweful superbeing would have invented flies, wasps or Bonj.
I rest my case.
Thank you for listening.

I think we have drifted from the point - the point that if God did exist he would not have invented bonj.

...I can excuse the creation of wasps and flies.
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Noodley said:
I think we have drifted from the point - the point that if God did exist he would not have invented bonj.

...I can excuse the creation of wasps and flies.

Quite so, I'm happy to compromise

Mr Pig

New Member
Jaded said:
Oh, and you are right - there's no point in any further discussion with you.

I didn't say that I didn't want any further discussion with you. Only that I saw no point in further discussion on the subject of that thread. Please don't try to give the impression that I've said something that I haven't.

I'm happy to talk about my faith but I totally understand if the forum moderators decide that such discussions are not within the remit of the forum.


This, I would have thought is exactly what the new Politics and Life forum is for...

And 'I know' is not an argument that can convince anyone outside of those people who already believe that they also 'know'... it is incomensurable with any other kind of rational argument. I have no doubt in the sincerity of believers, but sincere belief that cannot be externally vaidated or verified is worthless outside the community of believers.


New Member
Mr Pig said:
God designed your brain and he wants you to use it. He designed his word, the Bible, to stand up to scrutiny and allow readers to validate it.

In my experience most people who disbelieve in God do so because they want to, not because they've been open to what the facts of the matter say. I'm happy to talk to anyone about why I believe that Jesus Christ is exactly who He claims to be and why we need to trust in Him.

well put Mr Pig


New Member
Flying_Monkey said:
This, I would have thought is exactly what the new Politics and Life forum is for...

And 'I know' is not an argument that can convince anyone outside of those people who already believe that they also 'know'... it is incomensurable with any other kind of rational argument. I have no doubt in the sincerity of believers, but sincere belief that cannot be externally vaidated or verified is worthless outside the community of believers.

more people are coming to Christ now than at any other point in history, convinced by the Gospel message

there are plenty of rational arguments for the existence of God am happy to discuss in more detail ifyou want

and if you consider the good that faith based organisations do in the world I don't think you can claim it is worthless.(this is not in anyway to dismiss the equally important work of non faith based organisations)


New Member
Mr Pig said:
I didn't say that I didn't want any further discussion with you. Only that I saw no point in further discussion on the subject of that thread. Please don't try to give the impression that I've said something that I haven't.

I'm happy to talk about my faith but I totally understand if the forum moderators decide that such discussions are not within the remit of the forum.

Well, talk about your faith then, and don't try to second guess why other people don't share your faith. To say that people not believing in your God have not been open to the the facts is outrageous.

In my experience most people who disbelieve in God do so because they want to, not because they've been open to what the facts of the matter say.

Use word like "I" rather than "We" can help there. By all means talk about "your" faith. Don't try to shove your faith on others.

Your final line "why we need to trust in Him" should have read "why I need to trust in Him"
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