Does cod liver oil help?

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Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Ok I shall be a guinea pig!!!! Will get some on Monday and take the recommended dose for a month and report back, unless I turn into dog, guinea pig or hamster:eek:
Inflammation is a response to a stimulus (ie: burns,chemicals,physical injury(like a knee!) which is there to protect the area and allow healing.

Ah, now this I totally agree with. Due to my job, I put strain on my body everyday, and in different ways everyday. When I change shoes, for example, when a pair wear out, I can get inflammation in my feet. Hence I wear specifically designed insoles for my feet which alleviate the problems regardless of the shoes. I wear these for cycling also, and I have not had problems since. Therefore, cleat position, choice of shoes, bike fit, insoles etc. can all lead to knee pain and inflammation.
I agree, my GP (in France) prescribed me anti-inflammatory drugs for my foot problems. When the problem came back, she I was working too hard. It was myself that had to look at the root problem and sort it out.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
GPs aren't very good at this sort of thing though, are they? An orthopaedic surgeon will want to operate, and a physio will prescribe exercises. But here the easiest route would seem to be a tweak of the bike first.
They should be aware of the basics of joints, perhaps not in relation to cycling. But at the very least, a GP who knows your full medical history is in a better place to advise than the CC massif would ever be. Unless you happen to have a doctor who is a connoisseur of sport like mine :smile:

I do take your point about inflammation though. I've only come across this in relation to horses so it might not be directly applicable. But there, anti-inflammatories are prescribed on a very long-term, and sometimes permanent, basis as if no healing would be expected to take place. We were also sometimes told to encourage inflammation by using heat (and there used to be a rather barbaric practice called 'firing' in which tendons were seared with a red-hot iron for this purpose).
Our 4 legged friends are often victims of joint issues we as humans have no cure for. At best life can be made more comfortable or indeed ended in the case of fallen horses. I do believe though, horses are being used as trial subjects for some localized injection method. I can't remember offhand what the process was called but it was basically, fluid from one joint injected into another type thing.

People use these remedies for aching joints on a very long-term basis, when it might be expected that a joint would protect itself eventually with calcification (have I got that right?) and the inflammation would die down.
A lot of the remedies are a comfort issue over repair though. Some interesting reading if you wish

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Suggestive that cartilage takes years to adapt (75% in 2yrs) meaning a short rehab period is back to square one.


Über Member
Cod Liver Oil Works - if (IF?!) you're man/woman enough to take it correctly.
1 - Use it in liquid form - not capsules.
2 - Mix a tablespoon full with half a glass of cold milk and drink it first thing every morning, before drinking or eating anything else.
3 - Eat nothing and drink nothing for 30 minutes.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Cod Liver Oil Works - if (IF?!) you're man/woman enough to take it correctly.
1 - Use it in liquid form - not capsules.
2 - Mix a tablespoon full with half a glass of cold milk and drink it first thing every morning, before drinking or eating anything else.
3 - Eat nothing and drink nothing for 30 minutes.
I was told that by someone once so I thought I'd try it. I managed to get all the oil down before the shock hit me! I was doing fishy burps for the rest of the day - not nice! xx(


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I was told that by someone once so I thought I'd try it. I managed to get all the oil down before the shock hit me! I was doing fishy burps for the rest of the day - not nice! xx(
I don't know whether my joints ached that day - I was too busy trying not to throw up! :laugh:


Rural Quebec
I can remember when a tablespoon of CLO was a test of how sick you were. To miss school when both your parents were working was a serious event. if you were really sick a dose of CLO was the prescribed medicine. What this added up to was: to get a day off school you had to swallow the CLO. I did this once and moved on to stage 2 the next day which was a bowl of tripe and onions, quite magically I was instantly cured. Chicken pox or measles was a much better excuse, you can't fake those spots.


Senior Member
Ive had two ops on my right knee and until a few months back i started to get pains on the outside of my knee, so i adjusted my cleat position so it was more towards the heal coming out and a few days later the pain went and hasnt come back.
Afterwards i read some where that if the pain is outside adjust the position towards heal out and pain inside of the knee more toe out.

Work a treat for me.
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