Does chain-wear matter on a fixie?

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When my chain was worn it actually started slipping over the sprocket's teeth instead of engaging them. I assume the same sort of thing would happen on a fixie.
I did once run the fixed until the chain & the chainring were so worn that it would unship even if tight.
Obviously I would change before anything along those lines was a possibility. Similarly with the chainring


as discussed on another thread.

For the moment, the chainring seems to be doing its job just fine, as is the chain. I'm guessing when I start losing the tops of those spikes, it'll be time for a full overhaul/replace.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
Having run a fixed gear bike for a while as my main commuter, I`ve had my fair share of worn chains etc. That chainring above is shot, fitting a new chain may work but you get a hell of a lot more noise and I always found tension an issue .


Über Member
The key to avoid noise is to spread wear over all teeth. When it becomes noisy, I rotate the chainring on its spider a rough quarter of the teeth. When sharkfin shape becomes noticable, I flip the ring.
When you then mount a new chain on a worn chainring, it sounds as quiet as new everything.
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