Usually I do OK at getting discounts but I was dumbfounded recently
Needed a new second car. Identified one we wanted and the local dealership arranged for it to be brought in from Middlesborough. Nearly new, quite a decent model. Cash buyer so quite a decent amount of money
Test drive etc, it's fine. TIme to talk turkey. They won't discount the price at all and it was clear that they would rather walk from the deal than offer cash off. It didn't have any mats so I asked them to chuck a set in to get the deal done. What kind of car doesn't come with mats?
Answer was a firm "no". I even showed them they could get lookalikey mats off
ebay for about £60 a set. Still "no". So I asked them if they were happy to walk away from the deal over a set of mats. I was told "no problem, we will just stick it back on the forecourt for some other punter to buy".
So I walked. It's still there a couple of weeks later. Kind of bizarre. When I am selling my services to clients I always have to be in a position to discount or do something to get the business, even if it is just to make the client feel like he's won the negotiation and is in charge