Do you think Bicycle helmets should be required by law?

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Minkowski Space
And I haven't even mentioned the real reason why mandatory helmet laws are bad: they increase the risks for cyclists.

There has not one single instance where the bringing in of a mandatory helmet law has decreased the probability of cyclists receiving serious injuries or death in accidents. In fact, in all cases, the cycling rate has fallen further than the KSI rate. In other words, risk of serious injury or death has increased after the introduction of mandatory helmet laws. Such a law does the exact opposite to what is intended, or claimed. This can be very clearly seen in the data from Australia or New Zealand, for instance.

This is before we then factor in the effects that the decrease in cycling has on the health of the population. From memory ( I haven't the time to check - feel free to look it up) such laws result in an immediate drop in cyclist numbers of 20% or more. It represents a significant decrease in overall activity - and that is reflected in an decrease in the health of that population. It is estimated (look up Ben Goldacre, et al) that this decrease in exercise has a a very significant negative impact - that is, it kills people.


Leg End Member
This is just my opinion but I think there should be a law on bike helmets:

1. Since bicycles are considered veichles and have the same rights and rules as other road users. It's the law for motorbikes/mopeds to wear helmets. So if we have to the same rights shouldn't cyclists also have to just like motorbikes/moped drivers.
2. If it was the law. There would be less deaths as most cyclists that die in accidents aren't wearing helmets and die from a brain injury.
3. Some countries it is the law so why not in all countries to make it fair?

I always wear my helmet!

what do you guys think?
Should be the choice of the person wearing or not wearing one.

On your second point, I've cracked my skull open more times than I can remember, never once whilst riding a bike/trike or quad.


No. The decision to make something like this law should be made using a scientific evidence based approach, not feeling and emotion. As far as I can tell, there is no evidence on a population scale that helmet use has any significant effect on cyclist deaths or severe head injury rates. I would say on this alone that this shows no justification for such a law, but a second reason is that it is likely such a law would have undesirable side effects, such as reducing cycling rates and consequential increase in driving if people switched from bicycles to cars, which would be detrimental to health and safety. Therefore there is no logical justification for enacting a compulsory helmet law.

Plenty of info here:


An Peanut
a cycle helmet is as much use as an ash tray on a motorbike.

Sorry. I didn't know there was a thread already about this but bear I my mind opinions are opinions. It's just about opinions.
You have given some opinions but mixed them with some incorrect facts.

Check the facts then come back with some opinions.


Legendary Member
Only the one page when the reply was made, so it'd have been impossible to see post 22.
I don't know, your post appears after her telling me she is a she. I've also experienced being call a he on this forum many a time and have survived
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