Do you read newspapers and if so what one

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Flim Flormally
Have given up on UK papers. The layout is poor, organisation into sections a shambles, pages are swamped with ads, reporting is narrow and shallow, stories are selected for titilation value rather than news value. And that's only the broadsheets.

IMHO of course.


I was raised on The Guardian and The Observer. It's never even crossed my mind to defect to anything else.


New Member
West Yorkshire
Either the Times or Guardian.

The prospective Mrs Stan sometimes brings back the Express which needless to say goes directly into the recycling.
dan_bo said:
Although the indie has been creeping its way back into my bag since it mellowed on the WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!! headlines.

Yeah I started buying it again once it mellowed. I still find it a bit bloody dry and gloomy sometimes. Apart from that the gruniad and various websites including keeping tabs on what the Daily Mail is up to.


I don't normally read the dailies, apart from occasional browsing on their websites. I do get the Economist though! ;)
Uncle Mort said:
Did it involve an irate motorist and a headcam? ;)

Not this time.:biggrin: As I said it is a long story, but basically he vetoed an article that I was going to be involved in, despite the fact that his paper had commissioned it. When I queried why (I have on authority he hated cyclists) he just got really bolshy and would not provide a reason. The reporter that wrote the article got a really rough deal from him.


Legendary Member
Gave up reading newspapers a long time ago.

When papers, including the respected broadsheets, adopted the 'never let the truth get in the way of a good story' philosophy and the majority of the populace declared that they did not care who ran the country so longs as she had a decent set of breasts by purchasing the Sun. Add in to the equation the bigoted, racist propaganda shovelled out by the top selling paper in Scotland (Daily Record) it’s just a waste of money.

Have I upset enough people yet, Daily Mail readers…………….
Guardian; Times on a Sat. Mirror, Mail for my Mum when I go there at the weekend, and all the free tosh inbetween as and if I feel like it. Also L'equipe online and Midi Libre for those quaint little stories such as "granny buys a suitcase and discovers 2kg of cocaine" or "grand opening of the municipal dump at Servian" - I love it!;)
Uncle Mort said:
I love all the interviews with bullfighters and mad former rugby players. My favourite last year was a front page story about an escaped donkey falling into the Canal du Midi near Portiragnes ;)

Yes - so much crazy stuff and explained in's today's picture - it's only a puppet! :rofl:


Secret Lemonade Drinker
Don't buy or read any papers.

The media is a cess pit of the lowest order. They print sensationalist crap to further sales, with massive punter-arousing headlines on the front page, then having discovered the story to be untrue they print a 3 line apology on page 17.


Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Daily Telegraph readers in the FF household, or The Thunderer as an alternative. Find the Grauniad a bit too full of itself and the Indie just too dull...
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