Do you ever give up...

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New Member
...there is no sham ein walking...really...who cares....keep your knees...


New Member
Single speed,

I gave up once on a hill about a month ago but i was riding a single speed racing bike and did not have the energy or the momentum to do it.
On my normal bike i just slow my pace down, change gear and work my way up. It would have to be a constant accent i.e. a mountain or really big hill to make me quit from exhaustion.


Senior Member
When I did the Tour of Flanders sportive (lots of short sharp hills) I ended up walking up a few of them because of the sheer numbers of cyclists in front of me. On a couple of occasions I did stay on - once because someone was coming up behind me and was determined to keep going. I had no choice but to do the same!!!
Had to stop on Winnats pass once. There was a car following me (waiting patiently) but I was trying to go a little faster than comfortable for some reason.
It just overcame me. I ended up dry retching and really hurt my throat.

With a compact I'm OK on most things providing I go at my own pace.
I've not let a hill beat me lately but when I was starting out they did. My technique with the gears I hope is slightly better now, ocaisionally shifting up when I stand up, where previously I just dropped down a gear and down a gear again and when I got to the bottom of the cassette I could be in trouble.


New Member
Beside the road
Hardknott pass got me last week. I got over in one direction but when we came back the other way my legs just didn't want to know.


New Member
I've not got off on my roadbike but as John says it's probably through choice of hill more than stamina / determination! Plus I assume that slower than walking speed is acceptable!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Not got off for a long time - very nearly stopped on Swiss Hill, but if anyone knows it, it's due to the cobbles and your front wheel grinding to a stop - managed to hop it out of a gap and keep going. Hardest recently was Blaize Hill, then on to the Cat and Fiddle - the 1 in 5 past Lamaload reservoir upto the main road is a killer, especially after Balize Hill - slippy even in the dry.....that hurt the arms more than anything. Most important is breathing, get it right and you'll get up....


back and brave
Yes, most recently in May when faced with a short sharp 19% after 3 hours of riding!

I do remember getting off and walking down though! Bwlch y groes in the pouring rain. Mind you, the walk was pretty hairy too in roadie cleats.


Senior Member
Ipswich, Suffolk
I've had to get off once, on the L2B ride for BHF. up ditchling beacon, every bastard in front of me came to a standstill after about 20 metres of the hill. forced me off and as I was on my fixie (48x16) i just couldn't get going again in that crowd.
I'm going to have to go back again to have a crack on my own, looks very do-able... but then I like hills.


had to tell someone of my little achievement today. Back on the bike after a 4 year layoff 8th time out today and I managed Eggwood hill (small pimple ) sitting down yea! :angry:
Its a little achievement but it really made me feel good like I've accomplished something. There were several times I thought I'd need to get out of the saddle but hung in there.:biggrin:

HLaB said:
I thought I was going to have to get off yesterday for the 1st time in ages, the back road is only 14% but after the club run and the 14.5 miles straight north into that artic wind I was glad the winter bike had a granny ring.

well done HlaB .Every little goal helps with motivation . I was glad of my 26t today with that wind
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