Indicators are pointless, even on a familiar route the gear you use will be determined by a number of variables, other than the gradient. The wind may make a big difference, for example. Then how do you decide which 'number' you should be in on a unfamiliar route? Your legs will tell you, not a number on your shifter. I ride with a person who changes down in anticipation of the hill to come - not because her leg muscles tell her too, and guess what, she drops behind the group every time. I've used down tube shift levers, (no 'numbers'), Campag shifters (no 'numbers') and Tiagra shifters (with indicator). I have never felt the need and never even think to look at the indicator - it is totally irrelevant. Sram road bike shifters don't have indicators either. How do we manage? In fact, it is only the lower end shifters in the Shimano range that have indicators. Trust your legs.