Do you co-ordinate??

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
punkypossum said:
It's so not!!! Imagine having a black and yellow bike for example and wearing red and blue kit - it's just so wrong!!!!! xx(;)

My kit has to match colour-wise with my bike...what were you thinking FM?:tongue:

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Fluorescent yelow or bright red tops. Whichever reasonable quality shorts are cheapest (usually black). Not deliberately coordinated but I think it has a certain low key functional class.;)
Personally, I don't think there's a sadder sight in Britain than a tandem crew wearing matching kit. I mean no offence to anyone on here who happens to do that, but really.


In my book you NEVER ever buy a matching team kit - that is just sad.

Though you can get away with the top alone but shorts NOOOO WAAAY !

I always wear black shorts with whatever top so it sort of goes...I use dto have dark blue/navy colour shorts...tremendously comfortable I lemented their downfall when I had to eventually stop wearing them !

Ive mainly a all these in long sleeve long sleve zipp tops..- Carrara / Mongoose / pure flouro yello tops & a Coniblli / a plain grey jobby + a Casino short sleeve top/s but I do need some short sleeve stuff BUT i wont be paying loads for them as Im a tight arse with money ! :biggrin:


Legendary Member
Frazer said:
Yep all co-ordinated. Have a blue/white helmet and a blue/black bike....thus I have a plethora of blue tops in various shades...with blue/white shoes to match.

That's more or less my colour scheme too, but I always find it difficult to select a suitably patterned tie.:biggrin:
There is no way I would ever buy a team kit (although I'm very happy to wear the team jersey trek sponsored me with :smile:), would feel like a complete idiot pootling around at a snail's pace on a mountain bike in that, but although most of my gear is non-brand, cheap and often not even cycling specific, it still needs to match to a certain extent...but, as said above, most things match a silver bike and black or grey shorts anyway, so problem solved! :biggrin:


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Best not to wear full team kit. But i am going to get the cycle club jersey. Problem is that it is yellow, green and black, and it wont match my bike.:biggrin:


Bird Saviour
i've just bought new shoes to match my new bike :smile:

Rob S

New Member
I remember being called a snob on an American forum several years ago when I 'complained' in this kind of thread that I'd seen someone riding in a Banesto jersey and Gan shorts....many seemed to think I had a problem with a rider having rival banks on their kit...even though I'd said the mix of colours was a right mess and you should coordinate...then they said that so long as it was cycling shorts and a cycling jersey it didn't matter what colours they were....clearly I was in a minority of one and left mumbling about them condoning the pairing of a light grey suit jacket with blue pin-striped suit trousers because at least they are wearing a suit.


New Member
Yarm, Cleveland
i usually buy things cos they are cheap. Im not tight but i just begrudge paying money for things that are gonna get sh*t up through the winter. So im a bit like patrick and only buy when things are reduced or on a sale rail.
Therefore often im not very co-ordinated.
However i now feel as though im commiting a cardinal sin, since you lot all seem to set a lot of store by looking good on the bike. So once the nice weather finaly gets here im gonna do some trinny and suzana style shopping.

Then again i dont want to be known as all style and no substance or all gear no idea.


New Member
g-t-g-f... you can get round it by saying you are making a political statement by wearing a rainbow of colours you are a metaphor for the different folk of the world all getting along together

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