Do work think you are mad cycling in this weather?

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zacklaws said:
They offered to run me home last night, freezing cold and pouring with rain, I just looked at them puzzled and said "Why!"
I've had that once or twice.

The members of my team are used to me now so rarely comment, though I do get the odd "lovely day for it" or "isn't it a bit too cold" by people from other companies that share our building. Usually followed by a, "but I bet it's a lovely way to get to work; wish I was brave / mad enough to do it" which is then followed by the excuse as to why they can't .. :biggrin:
Can’t think who said it (perhaps Billy Connelly) but …….

There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes.

That said I got soaked on Saturday but it was still great.
I've had the odd comment in the past, did you cycle in that, etc usually when its extremely wet or windy not so much in the cold, its usually cold here so nobody is concerned about that.
In our office of around 40, I'm the only 356 days a year cyclist but I am usually joined by at least 1 or 2 people most days and we only have around 9-10 regular drivers the rest are PT. One of my colleagues has just got a new bike through cyclescheme so our cyclist ratio is on the increase. Car use is contrained by lack of parking otherwise I'm sure more people would drive.


Cold, clear weather is absolutely my favourite cycling weather. I even like serious rain. There's nothing better than getting home and warm after scything through a massive downpour.


nothing in moderation
never mind in bad weather, there are people here who think i'm mad for cycling the 5 miles each way in good weather (one reasonably close colleague assumed i couldn't drive ;)).

never mind, no more queuing for the shower in the changing rooms now the usual all staff emails offering to share a lift have gone out from those who are locking up their commuter bike for the winter.
Priscilla Parsley said:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! must be punished!
I like to think that the way he gets out of breath walking across the office to talk to anyone and has to stretch to reach his keyboard due to not being able to get his chair near his desk for some reason is punishment enough. :tongue:

But it's probably not. Not really. Am I a bad person? :angry:


I love cycling in winter. The feeling of being all wrapped up in the right gear. I get to work shower, and into my lovely dry clothes and bounce up the stairs while everyone else comes in slightly damp from walking through the drizzle from the bus stop/car park. Absolutely great.

When I started my colleagues didn't think cycling in was unusual (a fair few people cycle at our place) but when I told them that I cycled 8 miles in and 9miles home people started getting maps out to show me that it's only a couple of miles through town. When I told them I went the long way as it's nicer, bit of a leg stretch and helps keep the mileage up they looked at me very strangely.


Legendary Member
I'm getting fed up with people at work who complain* about how cold/wet/windy it is when they've had to walk 30 yds to their car, get in, drive to work and then walk maybe 100 yds across the car park. My heart bleeds for them, the poor souls :biggrin:.

*They've been doing it a bit lot recently.


Failed Tech Bro
I managed to kick off the bike-2-work at our place and a few people took it up "but only when the weather's nice." Respect to them, because they've all been pedalling in during the recent autumnal weather.


West Midlands
monnet said:
I love cycling in winter. The feeling of being all wrapped up in the right gear. I get to work shower, and into my lovely dry clothes and bounce up the stairs while everyone else comes in slightly damp from walking through the drizzle from the bus stop/car park. Absolutely great.

When I started my colleagues didn't think cycling in was unusual (a fair few people cycle at our place) but when I told them that I cycled 8 miles in and 9miles home people started getting maps out to show me that it's only a couple of miles through town. When I told them I went the long way as it's nicer, bit of a leg stretch and helps keep the mileage up they looked at me very strangely.

Hehe Sadly I keep my clothes in a locker so getting dressed they feel cold and damp - No wonder the ride in is more pleasant than the 5 minute walk to work !


West Midlands
Bollo said:
I managed to kick off the bike-2-work at our place and a few people took it up "but only when the weather's nice." Respect to them, because they've all been pedalling in during the recent autumnal weather.

Ironically it has been better weather in October than over all of the summer
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