Do Women think about sex as much as men ?

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Night Train

Maker of Things
Many women I know think about sex more then I do.
I think about sex less often then many men I know.
I don't think about sex very often, generally only when I have a partner and she is in the mood and I feel like it. Then, it is less about thinking and more about action.


Smutmaster General
My mind is constantly seeing smutty innuendo in even the most inane things :biggrin: Is that "thinking about sex"?


Legendary Member
It's random conversations like these that I've missed in my absence!!

In the absence of many women on this women-oriented thread...I think we probably do think about sex less than you boys do. But when we do think about it, we think about it with more panache :biggrin:


Secret Lemonade Drinker
Cathryn said:
It's random conversations like these that I've missed in my absence!!

In the absence of many women on this women-oriented thread...I think we probably do think about sex less than you boys do. But when we do think about it, we think about it with more panache :biggrin:

I'm sure there was an underarm deodorant in the 70's called 'Panache' ;)


Resting in suspended Animation
Nice Avatar there Speicher (I realise this might not be the right sort of thread to say that in but I've only just noticed!).
mickle said:
It's all they ever think about, one track minds the lot of 'em.

That's shoes not sex!


Vice Admiral
marinyork said:
Nice Avatar there Speicher (I realise this might not be the right sort of thread to say that in but I've only just noticed!).

Thank you, do you mean the Christmas version of the Avatar (for which Night Train takes the credit for artistic interpretation) or the Wol (Owl)?

Time to get back on topic perhaps. :smile::smile:


Re member eR
Arch said:
It's a bit of a daft question. It depends on whether I have anything else to think about, whether I'm likely to have any in the near future...

That never stops me. :smile:


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
...well I reckon I think about sex least once every 5 minutes..maybe more...which about the same as swmbo thinks about shoes, but not flirty hot or cute shoes..oh to be sexless frumpy practical crappy and very expensive ones....

....Based on shoe collection alone I think I'm with the wrong person.
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