If ever a campaign needed starting it is a campaign to debunk the myth that cyclists do not pay for roads.
But before starting that campaign, better make sure we do.
1. Cyclists cannot ride on motorways. We cycle on A and B roads. I know this is true already.
2. A and B roads that cyclists use are maintained by local councils. True?
3. Cyclists who pay council tax contribute to the maintenance of the roads they use. I pay council tax. At least some councils publish a breakdown of where the money was spent. I have received a breakdown. I know I contributed to highway maintenance of the roads I use. But do local councils receive money for highway maintenance from any other source that council tax?
But before starting that campaign, better make sure we do.
1. Cyclists cannot ride on motorways. We cycle on A and B roads. I know this is true already.
2. A and B roads that cyclists use are maintained by local councils. True?
3. Cyclists who pay council tax contribute to the maintenance of the roads they use. I pay council tax. At least some councils publish a breakdown of where the money was spent. I have received a breakdown. I know I contributed to highway maintenance of the roads I use. But do local councils receive money for highway maintenance from any other source that council tax?