hackbike 666
That's why there is road rage due to totally unnecessary impatience.
..said the red-faced Gerodie after chasing me round Sainsburys car park in his Focus. I was driving, not on the bike.
What I'd done is indicate, cross into his lane and then into the slip road to the right to get into Sainsburys car park. He was going straight on, and aiming for the queue of cars at the red light ahead of me.
His problem with that is that he hadn't given me permission to enter his lane in front of him. He did the old speed up thing when he saw my intentions, but there was room and it was a safe manoeuvre. If he hadn't accelerated he wouldn't have had to brake at all, and as it was he only needed to slow a bit.
He decided to wheel-spin into the slip road to Sainsburys behind me because I'd told him to cheer up.
So, the questions remain, what are the chances of me ever being in an identical situation with him again, and how is he planning to split me?
alecstilleyedye said:was he a very well endowed homosexual with rather a bad choice of chat-up line?
GentleBenn said:Or tell them they look sexy when their angry !
HLaB said:I really enjoyed our club ride yesterday coming back into town on an urban dual carriageway, a black 4x4 was sitting in the ASL; folk just went around him. That really wound him up and he had a go at folk, one of the larger club riders put him in his place. At the next ASL we arrived and I'd forgotten the 4x4; it arrived half minute later he was going to have a go again but when the big bloke looked at him he quickly muffled his words. Everybody else were in hysterics even his passenger.