Do I need a Brompton?

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
I'm with @All uphill

If you're tight for space and need that superb compact fold, then there's little to match them.

If you don't mind a few extra inches (oo-er Matron!) there are better riding, better made/finished, better equipped machines out there for rather less money. It all comes down to the order of your priorities, and only you know that.

and ones you not so fond of if a ned decides to walk off with it .


I bought mine pre covid for pub trips after work, covid and kids put paid to that.

It's brilliant for going to other offices via train though, and does extend how long I can spend in the pub when I go.
Ive just bought one...for no real reason, apart from there cool and I like them!

Do it!



Devotee of OCD
Just for interest I Googled “Brompton in MX-5 boot’. Issue if any - appears to be the opening size of the MX-5 boot. Not the volume as such.

Found these pics from 2011 where someone clearly fitted one into a Mk3 body-shape boot.

Anyone know if all Bromptons fold to the same size. Or what model the yellow bike shown might be ?

**Saved photos - but can’t post direct as apparently incorrect format for this Forum…….
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