Do I need a Brompton?

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The Glue that binds us together.
I have not got a Bromton, but i think it would be handy when we are away in the van, i can get full size bikes in there, but we only do short trips on the bikes when we are away, A nice little folder would be handy, but saying that it would have to be two as the wife would want one aswel.
Just for rides down the seafront or around what ever town we find ourselves in, not having to put lycra on could be a bonus.
They do seem to fetch good money second hand, That suprised me a bit as the market does seem to be flooded with them.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Folders are great; doesn't have to be a Brompton unless you need the fold.

Also you don't have to wear Lycra to ride full size bikes.
If you need to buy two Brompton's, that's a lot of money for what sounds like occasional use? They don't fold as well, but maybe a Dahon? Many of the models have a 20" wheel which might make them a bit more comfortable and on rim braked versions, mean that the rims last a bit longer if you do use them more than I'm speculating here.


Daughter and her partner recently purchased a Toyota Alphard Campervan which is quite compact. They each have a Brompton, the small fold size is a real boon due to the size of the vehicle.


Legendary Member
I'm with @All uphill

If you're tight for space and need that superb compact fold, then there's little to match them.

If you don't mind a few extra inches (oo-er Matron!) there are better riding, better made/finished, better equipped machines out there for rather less money. It all comes down to the order of your priorities, and only you know that.


The Glue that binds us together.
You've only got two bikes ????

Question isn't do you need a Brommie, it's which other bikes do you need as well? I mean, fixie, TT rig and MTB just for starters...

Over the years i have had them all, but now in my seventies, i know what i like, its road bikes, although i still have my mtb, sold my last bmx a couple of months ago.


Legendary Member
Everyone needs a Brompton in their life.

I thought I did...but I've not actually ridden mine this year (except a mile after a friend returned it to me after borrowing while I was away and not using it either)!!

I bought to use for partial commuting but the rush hour trains and tubes are so busy, it's a pita to get on and off without whacking self or others with it 😭

I've ridden all my other 5 bikes however!

I should just sell it really (and buy the Spa Elan :whistle: )...however, in true Brommie style she doesn't take up as much room in the house as another roadbike would!
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Legendary Member
I thought I did...but I've not actually ridden mine this year (except a mile after a friend returned it to me after borrowing while I was away and not using it either)!!

I bought to use for partial commuting but the rush hour trains and tubes are so busy, it's a pita to get on and off without whacking self or others with it 😭

I've ridden all my other 5 bikes however!

I should just sell it really (and buy the Spa Elan :whistle: )...however, in true Brommie style she doesn't take up as much room in the house as another roadbike would!
Technically, I don't really need mine either but I find it fun to ride and very practical to carry shopping or whatever and it also makes a great touring bike.

I often use it in preference to my big wheeled bikes
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