Do any of you lot.....

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God Almighty
you are thinking of milling not beasting?

Beasting is where a PTI makes you run around until your eyes bleed because you wiped some sweat away or stopped jogging on the stop xx(

Milling is where two people stand toe to toe and pound the shite out of each other.


New Member
montage said:
you are thinking of milling not beasting?

Beasting is where a PTI makes you run around until your eyes bleed because you wiped some sweat away or stopped jogging on the stop :thumbsup:

Milling is where two people stand toe to toe and pound the shite out of each other.
xx( Sorry i was just the cruise ships staff(matelot)


Taking the biscuit
I suffer from PTSD which came about after two violent and unprovoked attacks a few years ago.
The legacy of this means that in aggressive or potentially violent situtions I get what is commonly known as a 'Red Mist' which is my subconscious preparing me to be ready to fight.

I have to keep myself out of and away from any such situations as much as I can.


New Member
tdr1nka said:
I suffer from PTSD which came about after two violent and unprovoked attacks a few years ago.
The legacy of this means that in aggressive or potentially violent situtions I get what is commonly known as a 'Red Mist' which is my subconscious preparing me to be ready to fight.

I have to keep myself out of and away from any such situations as much as I can.
Memo, keep Tdrinka away from red label tea


Taking the biscuit
Everyone on here will be pleased to know that I only ever get like this with real idiot car drivers.
Of the two attacks I suffered, one was by an angry ped who had been let off a bus at road works and the second was two crackheads in a stolen car.

This stopped me riding bikes for 5 years.xx(

I'm much better than I was then. I think......................................:thumbsup:


Taking the biscuit
djtheglove said:
Memo; keep tdr1nka away from WVM, BMW driver etc, etc.:thumbsup:;)

Ah yes.

I appear to have a witness......xx(:biggrin:


Legendary Member
Had you asked 35 year ago i would have said yes,in fact what with you having been a Percy it would probably have been with you.xx( But getting a bit long in the tooth for that these days, mind you there are times i feel like toeing some little scrot up the jacksi for gobbing off.
Drinking with the Corps now eh Maggot, best watch yourself, not known as the Green Death for nowt.:thumbsup:


Hong Kong
I used to be really aggressive and have quite a vicious temper but, believe it or not, Thai Boxing has taught me how to control any aggression I have and I have an outlet, punch bags.

Much more relaxed and laid back now.


God Almighty
So are you a sailor in training then montage? Coming from Hampshire I would have thought you would see sense and join a proper fighting unit like the Paras, and become a steely eyed dealer of death and destruction

para para in the sky, living proof that shoot can fly :blush:
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