Do any of you commute on your recumbent?

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We all scream for ice cream
My Ti-Fly folds. :okay:

Unfortunately my workplace only has 4 spaces for bikes and the area is uncovered and out of view of the company's cctv. I went out and bought a cheap & cheerful hack for my commute because the storage area is so poor.


Legendary Member
How did the experience compare with using a bicycle? ^_^

I was quicker on my road bike. But I never had problems with other road users on my recumbents. In fact they give you plenty of room. The only problem is when they slow down to watch you.


Is there a marked difference to riding style / treatment by other roads users when you're on a trike? I'd imagine there was due to the wider wheelbase and not needing to put your feet down when stopping?


Über Member
I don't commute on my Trice due to storage issues. However I have ridden on busy sections of road as well as country lanes. My experience is that drivers give me a lot more clearance. Mostly I think because of the WTF factore. I even had a car reverse into a passing space to allow me pass recently.The Trice did come with the standard flag, but I have also fitted a blue and white windsock. The added movement of the windsock does make it more visible. The only real draw back is that it spooks horses.
Is there a marked difference to riding style / treatment by other roads users when you're on a trike? I'd imagine there was due to the wider wheelbase and not needing to put your feet down when stopping?
Instead of brushing your elbow when they pass you, most cars are clipping the opposite verge as they crawl past on the other side. You'd be amazed at the number of friendly toots and thumbs up you get. Not having to unclip makes stop start traffic much more relaxing too.


Leg End Member
Is there a marked difference to riding style / treatment by other roads users when you're on a trike? I'd imagine there was due to the wider wheelbase and not needing to put your feet down when stopping?
Often it seems they don't know what to make of vehicle in front. Some play it safe and leave a lot more room than is required.

I've often been given the full lane to myself. Nothing on the scale of cycling through Manchester, having just bought it though.
Left more room to the rear at junctions and lights than on two wheels, anytime.


We all scream for ice cream
Instead of brushing your elbow when they pass you, most cars are clipping the opposite verge as they crawl past on the other side. You'd be amazed at the number of friendly toots and thumbs up you get. Not having to unclip makes stop start traffic much more relaxing too.

I can only echo the sentiments in this comment. I frequently go through the city centre of Edinburgh and the levels of space given, friendly nods, and thumbs up has been staggering.


Leg End Member
Should add, that I bought mine with load carrying in mind. This more than commuting.

First saw it on Tomorrows World, a few years now. And I got my "15 seconds of fame" on it, on a local DVD as one of "those who refuse to conform to the normal".


More wheels than sense
Instead of brushing your elbow when they pass you, most cars are clipping the opposite verge as they crawl past on the other side. You'd be amazed at the number of friendly toots and thumbs up you get. Not having to unclip makes stop start traffic much more relaxing too.

Totally agree with that , even white van man isnt a pain.
Not quite the same but a guy in my running club, commutes from the south-side of Wakefield, to (I think?) Headingley, in north Leeds on an Eliptigo!!!

What does make me take my hat off to him, is the days he decides to ride home, via Stourton
Any readers from the area, might know the road up 'Bell Hill'. towards the junction with Wood Lane ('Jaw Bones')
It's 3 lanes;
- left, for Rothwell, Oulton, Castleford, Pontefract
- centre, for Rothwell, Lofthouse, Outwood, Stanley, Wakefield, etc.... (A61)
- right, for M1
He wants the centre lane, from possibly a standing (ha!!) start, at a roundabout
I know how bad it can be at times, as I worked in Leeds (near Tetleys) for 11years

Most days, he sees sense, & re-routes up Belle Isle Road, & down Sharp Lane

I've not had a go on it, yet, not sure if I want to really...............
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