quiet night night in looking after the kids, youngest in bed, up with my daughter and beer three, passed out/fainted while standing in the front room, came to face down on the floor with a very impressive and getting more impressive pool of blood and an understandably upset older daughter
clearly something bad to the forehead, a lot of teatowel work later (soaked through one until it was dripping through) it's more or less stopped bleeding, wife called back from a night out, neighbour from opposite sent to look after me, and off to A&E
an impressive 6in cut, later downgraded to laceration across my forehead just below the hairline, in the end it gets glue and a tet shot, and another ECG that tells me I'm fine, again
aches and pains and scrapes, banged knee, what's just like a punch over the left ribs, yanked my shoulder (yay), skinned knuckles
not good as it came more or less from nowhere, I think getting out of chairs is going to get to be a very slow operation from now on
and beer three completely lost, where I'm not sure, coming to to see it on it side mixing with the blood was a sad sight, the lady wife was upset abouit a green curry about to be brought to her at the time of the call
cardio appointment on the 3rd, fingers croosed for that
quiet night night in looking after the kids, youngest in bed, up with my daughter and beer three, passed out/fainted while standing in the front room, came to face down on the floor with a very impressive and getting more impressive pool of blood and an understandably upset older daughter
clearly something bad to the forehead, a lot of teatowel work later (soaked through one until it was dripping through) it's more or less stopped bleeding, wife called back from a night out, neighbour from opposite sent to look after me, and off to A&E
an impressive 6in cut, later downgraded to laceration across my forehead just below the hairline, in the end it gets glue and a tet shot, and another ECG that tells me I'm fine, again
aches and pains and scrapes, banged knee, what's just like a punch over the left ribs, yanked my shoulder (yay), skinned knuckles
not good as it came more or less from nowhere, I think getting out of chairs is going to get to be a very slow operation from now on
and beer three completely lost, where I'm not sure, coming to to see it on it side mixing with the blood was a sad sight, the lady wife was upset abouit a green curry about to be brought to her at the time of the call
cardio appointment on the 3rd, fingers croosed for that